Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Fourth of July

I hope this July Fourth finds you doing well. I hope that you will have time to set aside some time and think about the heritage of country this weekend amongst the usual celebration of fireworks and food.
This is a weird time in my life. I don't know about you, but I have never felt more powerless in what is going on in my government ever in my life. Before me the debt is more than any other time in our history, the house just passed cap and trade, Carol Browning over the EPA admitted on Fox and Friends this week she had read sections of the 1200 page bill. People legislating major changes that will never have to carry it out.
My question this week among friends is who is righting these bills? and Congress surely will not pass this bill and place such another burden on business and Americans? Surely.
We had a major melt down in several areas of responsibility with financial institutions, government and no one has accepted responsibility and stepped forward. Most all are still in power calling the shots.
The media has become more infatuated with Obama, a man that has never lead anything. Speaks well on his feet with his telepromter and hand picks questions at press conferernces now from blog sites.....
I am thankful God is in control. I am praying and asking what I should do to make a difference in this during these days. You know, when you read the bible there have always been times like these. Obama is not as bad as most of the kings in the Old Testament. We have so much in America to be proud of, so much freedom but we do need to be involved in what is happening and not just by watching Bill O' Reilly and talking about it with friends. You and I as men need to be involved in leading change and being involved in what we care about. Would you pray about that today? Many people believe they can't make a difference and that is not true at all. It all starts with one and I. May you and your family be blessed!
God Bless America!
Am now tweeting as JaxStateFan now on Twitter........just going to try it out.

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