Sunday, February 20, 2011

Behind The Microphone

This week I was reaching back and once again sharing stories of times gone by with a good friend over a nice meal.

The time was almost 25 years ago as I was behind the mic of a radio station doing SportSTalk in the mid-80s before it became what it is today. No internet, No Twitter, just AP wire and several newspaper subscriptions.

It was a fun hobby. I would do live cut-ins in the morning and then tape 60 second drops for the AM/FM station I worked at (10 total) and then come back that night and do a live show.

I look back on that today and wonder how I had time to do that! Especially football games each Friday night, and I was called into service one basketball season to finish the season games for a friend.

Let me say that out of broadcasting live events such as baseball, football and basketball, that basketball is the hardest to paint a picture well for a listener.

As I was reflecting this I was reminding myself how important it is for us to be where and in what God has gifted us for. When you are in a career, job, vocation or career where He has clearly gifted you, you can feel it and also it comes across in how you plan the work and actually going about accomplishing it.

Present decisions will determine future situations as John Maxwell says and the decisions you are making today about your growth or lack of it will show up in a year or in several years. If you aren't growing it can also be a detriment to your career or even for promotions.

Are you in a job where your giftedness is showing? what if you aren't? why is that? what can you do outside of your job to be in that giftedness? where do you want to be? in a different field? How will you get there? What has to change within you to get there?

Sometimes we can be our biggest roadblock. Sometimes it just isn't time yet.
With radio, in high school I wasn't voted on the high school radio show. It was tough. But after college I got a chance doing Sportsradio and it was a blast. My general manager said I had a get it in radio, Hank many don't. You have that special spark he said.....

I didn't just get into Human Resources either, I had to work in other areas that got me ready to do it.

My point today is to say that sometimes we go thru the forest to arrive at our destination. If you haven't gotten into your calling yet look at why and ask God to continue to lead you to that destination. He will open doors at the right time and introduce you to people along the way that if you are pursuing Him....the problem is He isn't on our time table.

Don't get discouraged by walls and roadblocks. They are there for a reason. Figure out why and ask Him to continue to show you the path you need to walk. Trust Him. He is worthy of that trust. He is the most inclusive friend I know.

Talk to friends about what you are going thru, form an inner circle of those wiser than you to give you counsel, seek wisdom from others that have been there done that, people are willing to tell you how they did what they did. Be curious, read books about the subject, be willing to learn new things.....but don't ever stop.....finish the race as Paul said.

May God Bless you today and your family. Pursue Holiness, Pursue Christ, Pursue the God-man that defines our timeline. (AD) Jesus