Saturday, April 18, 2009

Viva La Revolution!

Sorry to not have posted for awhile traveled recently and been catching up ever since with friends and family.

This week was something else. It is interesting how many things tied in together this week.

First you had the build of the tea parties across the country. Would people come out to those? I mean people are talking a good game but will they actually do something? (Almost sounds like the modern day church)

Next you had the new Janet Reno-Napolitano that Dennis Miller described as with a Frank Luntz hairstyle......garner some new verbage about right wing extremist. Boy, she spent too much time on the McVeigh case didn't she?

Then the Tea Parties came. I took in the Chattanooga one with a friend and it was well done. Good balanced tone, family focused and lots of kids. Clearly upset people about the nation's future. Their children's future and the debt being put on them by politicians on both sides of the fence in Washington. I have mentioned this before in my blogs that we have no real statesmen left. It is either one way or not at all. Such a bad way to lead and you know as well as I that if those in Congress will only get to act like children so long until it reaches out and touches you.

Here is the link for the local group that met. They will be scheduling something again soon.

The media coverage was about what you thought. Wait. I sat there Thursday night and thought about how far the NBC brand has been tarnished by leaders that simply want to be second behind FOX News. They have done their programming just like Fox except the opposite way thinking that they could have as many viewers. It has placed them past CNN (that is a whole implosion itself) but in the course of that they have lost their brand image. MSNBC has struggled since it started and today they are not really reporting news anymore just a progressive stance on everything.
Keith Olberman who would like to take over the whole network and will be naming Bill O' Reilly worst person in the world 10 years from now and still be behind him in the ratings has lasted a pretty long time I think simply because MSNBC doesn't have another plan and heck, they have CNN's number now. Money is even more powerful for many men than truth forget the brand that we have worked on for all these years. Forget the wonderful work of Tim Russert. He's gone and that rock that kept them tied all together is gone. His attack of Bubba from the Rick and Bubba Show about having someone in B'ham's tea party saying something about Obama was sad. You could clearly tell the guy yelled something like Go Getem Bubba or as he said he said..Go tellem Bubba! But, Keith didn't check the facts, he simply went with it and showed that he is not a journalist and we shouldn't be surprised. I have know Olberman since his KTLA days and even talked with him as he was a brother in the fight to save the big satellite dishes when they went to pay content but that went down in flames. He hasn't changed much, just has a bigger podium. He is very smart but really never has impressed me as he has worked media and you know it ain't that hard.

CNN has its places of this like with Anderson Cooper and I can't figure out why he just doesn't come out and tell everyone he is a homosexual. His Tea Party reference this week was just a shade of his lifestyle and why he has not ever become what CNN had hoped. Maddow has done this with success at MSNBC and so has Ellen. The American people will accept the happy side of the homosexual ( also Will and Grace) but they don't understand the fallen side until it comes out (see Ellen's dog issue and Rosie O' Donnell) Please understand this goes with those that commit adultery as well. That is a whole nutter post.

Then throw in Susan Boyles performance of "I Dreamed a Dream," from Les Miz. That has more of tie into this week than we would think. Here is a story about her if you have been out of touch:

Anyway, this week there estimates of 300,000-500,000 people that went into the streets, many for the first time because what has happened in Washington is finally starting to reach out and touch people in a way they haven't seen. Plague upon both houses was the saying. These people were told in our group to get involved! in local government, county government and it goes without saying that these people work for us. It reminds me of a scene from It's a Bugs Life when they realized there are more of the ants that the grasshoppers. It was over then.
Well. this week, many people were asked to engage. We will see if they will in the next few months. the first test will be the next elections. The Free Choice Act right now offers you insight into what is happening. You would think that this would be pushed thru quickly but there are several smart Democrat politicians that don't have union prescence and know if they voted for this, then they will no longer be in power. There are not enough votes now and most definitely in the smarter stay here until I die Senate. So, the next election will be where this will come back up again. Sorry unions.....common sense is stronger than greed for power.
So back to this week. Well, it is now up to those at those Tea Parties to be more than grassroots and Susan Boyles and Les Miz. A great production. So as we bid farewell today, I leave you with a clip from Les Miz and you will see the connection I am talking about. It is a day whether you can step up and get involved or sit back and watch.
I believe the church had to be persecuted to get out of Jersulaem and today the modern church needs to get out of the pulpits and get involved in their government, their country and don't just say well that is wrong or sad and such and such.. Get out. Get involved, make a phone call to others and stand for freedom in this country. (Now, I am not acquainting violence as I know Nappy has said that right wing extremist are prone to do) I am talking about lets let people know how we feel and that we are paying for their jobs..... Enjoy the clip!