Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bill Hull speaks to leaders in Chattanooga

This past Thursday night a group of men's ministry leaders from all around Chattanooga gathered. (CACMM (Chattanooga Area Coaliton of Men's Ministry)
It was a great time to recconnect with brothers that I value greatly and appreciate their desire for men to "live up" and be passionate in their faith. I am thankful for Bernie Ritterbush of Men's Ministry Network and Doug Daugherty with the MacClellan Foundation for sponsoring this get together.
At my table was one man that I hadn't seen since an advance @ Rock Eagle about three years ago. It was good to see him and catch up.
The special treat of the night was a internet hookup with author Bill Hull. Dr. Hull has written some great books on discipleship and his latest work is Called Choose The Life. The illustration today is from the book.
I would like to share some "nuggets" he shared with us.
First, will them that call themselves Christians, call themselves Disciples?
Ask yourself, what are we creating? What kind of influence are we having?
You can become a Christian without becoming a disciple.
Discipleship is optional. Churches are more concerned with doctrinal issues today.
You can't hide a genuine faith. It permeates your whole life.
Bill talked about how busy everyone is today. AMEN. Staying in touch with all kinds of technology but knowing each other less. (Same theme as Session I of Quest for Authenic Manhood) He quoted John Wesley who traveled many miles on horseback.
"I am always busy, but never in a hurry," said Wesley.
Discipleship is life touching life. Dallas Willard says that it is good overcoming evil.
He points out that that the church and the world's cultures are getting so close that one will swallow the other.
This one comment was big. I mean this applies to all of us.
"Unless you have the basis for truth from a relationship then that relationship can't move ahead."
I see that alot not just in the church but in ALL relationships. It holds so many leaders back too.
He spoke one moment from a question from the audience about small groups and hit the major points again. 1) the problem with many small groups is that there is no accountability 2) They are not managed well 3) Is anyone in the small groups being stretched? challenged? {They should be} 4) Group leaders need to be trained to address these areas.
Men's leaders in the Chattanooga area are invited to attend the next meeting on , Thursday, May 21st at Tyner United Methodist Church. Pat Morley , with Man in the Mirror will be the special guest by internet from Florida to speak and answer questions from the group. Dinner is served. Registrations are accepted at
This article caught my eye from the NY Times Saturday issue's "On Religion," column
Also, I would say that this article with Ann Mulcahy, CEO of Xerox is one of the best interviews of a leader I have read in a newspaper. Usually this kind of detail is in a book. Some of her answers are so dead on.....if you are a leader you need to read this interview all the way thru especially what she learned going into page 2 while working in Human Resources. Dead on!
Hope your brackets are holding up. Mine are still in really good shape...believe it or not. (Well, Marquette hurt today.)
God Bless.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Clinton's "ReSET" Button Fiasco

Imagine if you will, you work for Hillary Clinton on staff. Your job is to find the Russian word for "ReSET." Thats it.

You have the assignment, find the word on some website and quickly get a label maker to place the word on too since you have to find a push knob as she wants to use this as she has a VERY IMPORTANT meeting with the Russian Foreign Minister and she wants it to be the photo shot before they go in for meetings to discuss improving relations with the communists.

So you find the button and place the word. You find a nice box and place it in it.

Now, this is kinda of important because Secretary of State Clinton is representing President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden with this gift to "RESET" relations.

So here is raw video of the event......

Now, that went well didn't it. No, it didn't. Wrong word...the word on the button meant "overcharge" or "overload."

So, this is something you explain after you turn in your resignation tomorrow for making the Secretary of State looks so bad,.......

Let's see how much play this gets as if it was Bush, Palin, Quayle, would be on every news cast. I watched some of the liberal shows this week and they are all talking about Rush and everything but the fact that the entire business world realizes that they do have a leader that has no idea of what business really runs ons and is scared to death.

A leader that campaigned against earmarks and is letting them pass thru under his watch.

The media is doing with Obama just like they did with Bush. They aren't reporting the news in any balanced form. Just as they kicked themselves for not asking more questions during the move into Iraq, they are sitting on the sidelines right now as this money is being spent that any ordinary Joe can tell you is not good. The Republican party is no where to be seen and should be calling press conferences but you know what....they may be scared about re-election.

Back to Clinton, this was a sad moment because I firmly believe that she took this role to step in the next election as savior herself because she knew what he was like and what he was going to do and if you follow politics you would know that she isn't as far left in her governing.

But, I feel for that staffer this weekend....what a mistake. I mean I have two friends that speak fluent Russian I could have called for them.

She also made some gaffes in speeches this week in Europe that staffers said was caused by her being so tired.......

The one thing I liked that Obama said when he campaigned and firmly believe that many voted for him on was "Change" in how politics would change when he became president. No more partisian politics... a new day... Well, from the beginning he has zinged the GOP when he didn't get his way and after campaigning across the country is really out of touch.

Many remember that Nero fiddled while Rome burned so it could be rebuilt in his image.

Rahm Emanuel and his cronies aren't that smart to do mighty things while there is a crisis like this. There is only so much that people will take from inept leadership.

The USA business leadership is not all based @ Wall Street and they are very concerned about the future of their businesses with such a socialist slant.

Here is the prediction: Democrats will lose seats in two years to candidates that vow to take back power from the out of touch leaders in Washington. Many years ago God had to persecute the Christians to get them out of Jerusaleum. Well, as comfortable as Americans had become this has taken a little long for them to rally around what they know America was based on....

No pundit, Olberman, Maddow, Hannity, Funnyman John Stewart don't actually do real work.

There are alot of Americans that do and they will soon start to figure out how to retake what is rightfully theirs. It is going to be interesting to watch as this is a great nation under God and if we lose that focus we will be turning our back on Jehovah and that is a losing proposition.

All should watch the mini-series "John Adams" and remember thru that visual what was done to give us the freedom to live here today.

Pray for all our leaders that they will be given wisdom to not want selfish ambition, but will want what is best for America.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rick and Bubba start on XM Radio

Well, discovered today that Rick and Bubba's morning show is coming to XM Radio on March 9th. America's Talk channel 158 and they will be on tape delay starting @ 10am EST and air all three hours. Congratulations to them and for me it is super since I can listen at the office, always grab the last taped hour on WURV The River 103.7 here in Chattanooga and miss the rest....Neat for the guys too.
Bucky Beaver goes satellite! I hoep the Lord will use both of these men's lives of faith in Jesus Christ over satellite radio as it has over the last 15 years.
Having gone to one class with Rick in college @ Jax State, he is not the same man I knew back then and thankfully neither am I! Praise the Lord!
Sad to see the passing of two radio legends. First Paul Harvey passed away this weekend and so did Johnny "Red" Kerr. Kerr was the voice of the Chicago Bulls during the pinnacle seasons when Jordan was there and when I was traveling in and out of Chicago.
Both men loved what they did and communicated across the medium well.
The Rest of the Story for Paul Harvey really started growing in his last few years but I always loved growing up and hearing him say, " Page 2" as he moved to the next item and of course.........""
Good day to you Paul. What a wonderful memory you leave us as well.
Something Strange:
Randy Moller is the announcer for the Florida Panthers NHL Hockey Network. Dan Lebatard Radio's show put together this clip of his goal calls.
WHY? Well, he quotes current sayings from our culture such as from tv shows, music lyrics etc..when people score...pretty doggone funny...
Sam Donaldson retires....will really miss him...