Saturday, February 16, 2013

Lying - The Process Defined

I was prepping for bible study a couple of weeks ago and totally forgot we had missionaries with us that day and we never got to the lesson I had studied.
In the back of the @LifeTruths study that week there was a small section called: Are All Your Sayings Trustworthy?
This was a small article but it was strong in that it showed the path of Lying in such a simple but profound way that I wanted to share it with you here on Bridge Builders if you are in a situation as a dad wanting to share with your kids the path and why it is a bad road to go down. Have someone around you that has this issue and is in denial about an issue that is affecting their family, friends and even their job.

Step 1 is the Lie itself. Seems small at first but it is a lie.
Step 2 is Self Protection: we lie about having lied
Step 3: It now becomes a habit. A way of life. Even lying about trivial things.
Step 4: Self-Deception: We now start to believe our own lies. (see politicians) heh.
Step 5: Rationalization: Our lies can make them seem like the good thing to do.
Step 6: Perfection: We get really good at lying. We now have techniques and this helps expand our capability to rationalize.
Step 7: Justification: We see it as our duty to lie.

Think about keeping this list handy the next time you are discipling someone else, coaching or influencing them and what step they are at so you can help them break this chain before they alienate people, lose friends, hurt family and others around them.
Ask them to move to repenting this behavior before God as He already knows of the lies.
Help them see that God is not the creator of lies. He is the creator of truth. As Jesus said, "the Truth will set you free." It will. It will set you on a new course to be truthful and counted on as someone that people that can count on to help them be more self aware.

What are some ideas you have around this?

PS. The next week, I shared with the class about this and had a couple come up to me later that morning to tell me thank you for showing us this, it was powerful and they wanted to sit down with their daughter to work thru issues that had developed around this. Is there someone you can help break free from this cycle?