Wednesday, December 29, 2010

168 Hours/Social Media/Book Club

While driving to work this summer I heard Laura Vanderkam be interviewed on Fox and Friends on XM Radio about a new book she was writing called 168 Hours.

At this same time I had a goal in 2010 of starting a Brown Bag Book Club at work during lunch for people that like to read books ( High Theoreticals for you Values folks) and this sounded right to begin it since everyone struggles with managing their time. Well, at least that is one thing I am always coming across my whole organization and outside it too.

So I thought the easy way to contact Laura was see if she was on Twitter. Once I found her on Twitter, I asked her the question that I wanted to make this book club very neat to our associates...."Laura, got your book off of Amazon." When she replied to tell her what I thought, I asked her. "Laura, would you be willing to discuss your book over the phone when we finish it?"
She replied that she would love to and we set timelines.

I first sent out a promo about the "Brown Bag BookClub," nothing new here. Several companies do this already but it was a first for us. We had good response. 23 associates in our office signed up. Being in training and men's ministry I know that number would decrease as it normally does to commit to anything.

Buy the book details here:

We started with 21 associates and I showed a training video on Time Management that I had in my library to begin the discussion process and so everyone could take this books home. It worked well and I asked each person to set 1 (one) goal they wanted to accomplish to improve by reading this book. Amazon was how we obtained them.

I then mapped out the chapters and scheduled a meeting place for the main places in the book to give every one time to read and then have discussion questions as we began to get everyone talking about what they have read and how it is impacting their lives. Leading small groups in church has always helped here. In fact, many leading training organizations are using small group lingo now and talking about building "community" in the work place. We met Five times total over 2 months.

Michael Hyatt, CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers has been a great source of growth for me in planning thru his Weekly Review and Quarterly Plans. The next two sessions, I gave these out a the end of lunch to help those also needing more application. They really liked the additions to apply even more to what they were reading and trying to get traction on their "One" goal they had set at the beginning of the club.

Here is a link to several of his great productivity posts:

As you know when you teach something you can't but help have it teach you something. I found Laura's book full of practical time/life choices and great data, sometimes too much data, but she was showing you ----look we all have 168 Hours----get real!

For me, that was organization of my desk and things that come across it. I put her ideas into practice and have seen several months of solid work now. To the point that several associates point out how clean my desk stays!

Others as we went thru the book had major AHA moments about how much time they were wasting, how they could be better organized too and even in how they went about their jobs!?
That was one of the best....

The group shrunk to 15 toward the end {this is irony of not having time to get better at time management and shows you alot of commitment} but these folks stayed with the content and were amazed at the people that Laura interviewed and met along the way. We work in a manufacturing environment and we shared with Laura in our teleconference in our last meeting that some stories we just couldn't relate to about hiring certain people for certain tasks.
She understood and pointed out how she had to cover all areas to appeal to a vast audience and our group understood.

I think the best thing we enjoyed were meeting the people that Laura interviewed and how they managed their lives, how they dealt with issues and how Laura presented suggestions to us and was very frank in her own life at her struggles with all the things that have to get done each day.

I recommend this to any training leaders as a good book to study. It written more for females than males. At least the 3 guys that read it all felt that way but as with anything, you get what you put into it. I can personally say that I profited from reading and applying key points from the book into my life and at the end of 2010 and am better for it.

Laura told us she is working on a book on money management for publication in 2012 and I look forward to that and reading her columns in publications like The Wall Street Journal and USA TODAY.

Here is a link to her website:

Last but not least I want to thank Laura for being "social" on Twitter. Many writers don't acknowledge you even when you tell them you have purchased their writing and one author whom I had a study on his book two years ago (with 20 men) didn't have time to even teleconference with him to ask him questions and follow up over six weeks. Laura was very open, easy to schedule and very nice to take the time with our group and solidified a great learning experience for us all and I am grateful to her. Thank you Laura!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


The past few weeks I have listed Update the Blog in my Moleskin on my weekend to do list and I have wondered what to write about. So be Thankful for I said this week. Well, here we go....

This time of season is when we all reflect and think about what the year has looked like. For example at work, we usually have an Environmental Audit that we work all year to maintain our system and I look back at all the training we have done for the year with our associates and I am like wow....tremendous.
Year End Review time, not a favorite for many, but it is if you have a been working all year at Creating a Better Story than your last year. If you have taken your performance to another level. If you have actions and achievements to show growth.

Next is in your family. Can you see growth in them in their understanding of where God is in their lives? Do they understand the wonderful grace of Christ? Everything else is the world comes distant second. If they have a focus on Christ it is as the bible says in Proverbs the first step to wisdom. Everything else then has it's place in their lives. School, activities, friends, enemies. etc.

And for you? Can others see Christ in you? as Jesus said in Mark 12:28-30, Love God, Love People. then it all flows from there. Making sure that you don't drift from the true message of Christ (Hebrews 2:1) because it is easy to drift. Paul lost Demas to the world. This morning in our Bible Study a brother shared about a man and his wife in the ministry and how they had strayed from the ministry, now the family is separated and the man is asking for prayer for God to repair the damage. He can but it will take time.

Are you Creating a Better Story in everything you touch that passes your desk? This year I have to tell you it has been a blessing to think that way and to think how can this get better? It has created more work but neat stuff. From projects at work around performance to starting a Book Club and actually having the author meet with our group by phone to discuss what they had learned. I set a full morning in December to prayer and then planning in my areas of responsibility and then sketch the highpoints of the next year in those responsible areas and then with family and church. It is a very good time, then revisit it in January to start dates to get things done.

I look back at the things God has brought into my life this year and am just in awe. Having accepted Jesus into my heart at Promise Keepers in 1995 has changed my life, what I consider important. God has opened doors and given me opportunities I can never thank Him enough for. I am wanting to make 2011 a better year no matter what the circumstances as it is another year that I can listen to Him and follow Him.

So here are some questions for you and I to ponder:
How do you spend more time in the word? when is the best time to study scripture? Memorize verses? Pray? How is your quiet time? Who holds you accountable? How are do you know if your pursuit of holiness is changing you? Can you tell in how you respond to people? Do you see that it is more about others and not you? That is about dying to self? What a challenge! What a great challenge! But He is worthy of helping you to do those things. He is more than able.

Back to Thanksgiving, friends started this at a church I attended years ago where we would all take a few pieces of Indian Corn and then talk about what we are thankful for from that year.
I encourage you to do to this with your family. Take time to share with each other. Take a friend to lunch and talk about it with them to encourage them. Remember as Truitt Cathy of ChickFila says," When do people need encouragement?, if they are breathing they need it!"

What are you thankful for this year? Where are you struggling in the list of things above? Let Him know what you are thankful for, then make the list and set your goals. Divide them in to steps that you can do one at a time. How do you plan to tell a Better Story of your life, a Better Story about Christ in your work? in your family? Pray and set goals for 2011 now. Be intentional. Be serious about your growth and dependency on God. He is wanting to guide you more and more if you let Him. He loves to do that. He knows this world is tough, he knows that it is fallen. He also has a better plan than you and I could ever dream of, but He can't do anything unless you let Him lead and ask Him to do that.

Reading File: Speaking of listening, have picked up Bill Hybels new book, "The Power of a Whisper," and looking forward to that. Hope to finish before Thanksgiving.
This newest issue of Fortune Magazine was excellent. So was Fast Company.

Reading thru the book of John for bible study class. "In the beginning was the word of and the Word was with God and the word was God." Thankful for my bible teacher Ed Fleming and his love of teaching the word of God.

May God Bless you. It is my hope and prayer that this blog encourages you to seek more about Jesus Christ. Hebrews 13:8

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sitting in Traffic

I was on my way into work on a Saturday to shuffle some papers and get my desk clean, do a weekly review to get things planned and in order and one exit from work ran smack dab into a traffic jam on I-75.

At first the thoughts were this is great, going in to get ahead and can't do that! Then I realized I needed to pray for what was ahead. It could be anything. Lord, be with the police and fire at the scene. Please Lord be with anyone injured ahead to comfort.

About that time a BIG wrecker goes by and I knew a semi had to be involved. Then another BIG wrecker goes by. Another prayer for the driver of that truck.

Nearly 30 minutes later, I would wheel the VW Beetle by the scene where a trailer was across two lanes of the interstate, no driver seen long gone with ambulance. FOUR BIG wreckers working to get it off the road and towed.
Looked like he jackknifed. Pray he is ok. Pray that who was around him is ok as well.

It was when I got into the office and sat down I started to think about lives and the similarities of traffic jams.

When we are in a serious waiting game like a traffic jam, we are more alert as we go thru it. We are usually just looking out for ourselves in this situation.

We also see others that try everyway possible to get around even if it means going places they shouldn't. Some people are very ugly when they get in tight situations. They do things behind the wheel they would never do to your face or behind your back?

Traffic jams frustrate us. They stop the normal flow of life. People in big cities are always talked about by people in smaller cities as to not knowing how people do that each day going to and fro. We like the normal flow in our lives. A traffic jam stops life.

We usually don't think of others in a traffic jam. We think of ourselves and how it is delaying our time....It is hard to think of others when the focus is on self.

Seldom do we take advantage of this time to pray for those in the situation, I did this as I was prompted by the BIG wrecker, I don't know if I would have if I hadn't seen it whoosh by.

Seldom do we take the time in the jam just to ask God to speak to us while we are waiting.

This is what hit me that when we hit the "traffic jams" of life that come at us far from the road in places like our jobs, our families, our schools, our churches that we don't see this as maybe should.

John Maxwell has pointed out in one his books, "Failing Forward," {one of the few books I know of on failure} that when we fall down in life we don't spend much time down there on the ground. We jump right back up like nothing has happened, dust ourselves off, hope no one saw us and go right on with business as usual.

Donald Miller's book, "A Million Miles in A Thousand Years," is a great book about creating a better story. My favorite book of last year and ties into life's traffic jams as you have to have conflict to create a better story.

Michael Hyatt, CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishing even talks about pushing through when you have a problem. Please see his post from July 27th here:

Our desires on this earth are always going to be toward Self and Pride. Our desire is to continually pursue Christ by not following rules but understanding that it was DONE on the Cross at Calvary. That doesn't mean we have a "grace card" we play. It means that we must constantly work on our natural self to focus on others. Doesn't matter about your personality either to focus on others.

This week think first what can you do to focus on others in your family, especially your spouse.

Then your job and then as you go thru the traffic jams of life to create a better story in your own life.

If you are in a traffic jam right now in life, don't lose hope. Help is near. Ask God to help.

King David is recorded in history as having some serious yelling matches at the Lord. He was upset, he was more than mad and he knew the Lord was listening and he knew he had a relationship with him where he could share anything with Him. He had no where else to turn.
Serious traffic jam.

Ask God to show you the way and He will. Ask Him to send people to show that to you and He always does. He is the best story ever. Always will be. Tell others.
He defines our timeline.

Hebrews 13:8


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mid Point of 2010- How Are You Doing?

Here we go another year is coming quickly to a close. It is important for us to see where we are heading right now so we can make sure we are Creating a Better Story with our lives in several areas.

First is in our walk with Christ. How is the Pursuit of Holiness going? Have you found a church home to belong to? How is your quiet time? What scripture are you studying after the service and digging in more? Have you said I don't do church or religion.

I have a good friend that has been out of church since he was seven. In an effort to keep his marriage in order and become a better man, he is back in church. It took about five visits before he found a church he likes and feels like a fit. He wants to change his life to be more about what God wants and not him.

The real difference begins for you and me when we take what we are learning and apply that in our lives. Holiness is not just a word it is a form of worship. God is wanting to have more than a casual friendship with you and I. He is wanting a total transformation from what the world is showing to what He is about.

This leads to area two where this pursuit of Christ should lead to a changed life in relationships with family, your spouse and others. As Men we need to realize that we are to lead in a loving manner for our wives so they will have no problem following. It is an honor to lead my wife and to show her that I love her.

My children need to see how I love my wife so they will see how this relationship is to look and when they get ready to marry they will know when something looks honoring or not to Christ.

Next my career or job is done unto the Lord. Our job is to join Him where He is working and our jobs are that place He has us in to do ministry. If you look as your job as a "job" you aren't thinking how our Lord wants you to. The apostle Paul taught us in Colossians 3:23 that we are to do our work as doing it for the Lord. Do you look as work like this? It means taking more time to pray, to take politics out of it, to take YOU out of it. If you believe He is in control then you should work that way. Do more than expected, Show love to those that don't expect it, Create a Better Story in your life by changing your outlook toward your work. Your career.

When you really think about what God has gifted you in and where He has you in your work as a mission field, you will look at people differently.

Next who are you discipling and who is discipling you? You can always be helping someone else in their growth in faith because it grows you. Most Christians today are "Playing Church," by alot of church talk without real action. Don't get into that rut. With Christ, you have the most inclusive good news story that was ever created. Act like you believe that!

Who is Discipling you? We all need someone, I have several, people in our lives that will speak truth in love as we do life and bounce things off of them. If we just walk thru life alone we will Always play it safe and aren't challenged. People that challenge us in our faith walk first, then our marriages, our families and our jobs. All of them tie together. Belief that they don't is a mistake. You do need people around you to tell you NO from time to time.

Take time today to first pray. Ask God...where do you want me to grow the rest of the year in my faith? Churches will be offering their fall classes soon, then how should I grown as a man in leading my wife and family.

What can I do to be challenged in growing this way? Pray for God to give you a name of someone to disciple you. Pray for God to give you a name of someone to Disciple and get busy at it.

Lord, we don't have any money in our budget to grow thru training what should I do to learn? Pick up a book on something you want to learn more about.

This summer at work, we are offering a Summer Book Club- Bring Your Own Lunch , expense to the company = the books. 22 associates signed up to read a book about time management and we will work in small groups discussing how we put things into place in our jobs and lives. Neat thing is the author has agreed to be on a teleconference at the end of our discussion to answer questions! When we finish I really believe everyone in there will have helped each other in their goal of reading this book and putting it into action.

Then next week sit down and chart by month what you are doing to do to be on your way to closing out 2010 in a intentional manner. Writing it down helps put it into action. Then place it in places so you will see it to remind you or in Outlook calendar etc.

Good luck, we will compare notes this January. May God Bless you in your walk with him.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Where is the Light shining on you?

I would like to give credit to Franklin Lindsey for this great shot of this pier and you can purchase his photo at his link here:

As Father's Day is here again. I am reminded how blessed I am with four wonderful children. I don't think of it as a day about Dad as a day to relish in being a dad.

At the same time I know I need to be an example to them each day as what a dad is supposed to look like. What a man after God is supposed to be doing. After all the Christ life is not about me at all. It is all about others.

As you hit this mid point of the year, how are you doing in your relationship with God? How is that going? spending time in the word anymore? small groups study? taking the Sunday sermon and looking at the teaching further? taking the Sunday sermon and leading family devotional times?
I am looking right now how I can make sure I am carving out more time for quiet time and study of the word. I can't apply the word of God unless I am learning it and letting it soak into my heart. Can people see you are a disciple of God? see the light shining down on you? see that Holy Spirit in you is real and is guiding you? or are they seeing darkness?

Next how are you doing with your wife? Made time to honor her? Help around the house? make her feel special? does she see the light in you?
Think of ways to make this relationship more God centered in the last six months of the year.

Next your are they growing in Christ? That is one of the most important things we can do is to teach our kids to love the word of God and to continue to learn it and apply it to their lives. How are you helping show them things they need to know about being a young man or a young lady? Very key.

Next is your career. It is honoring to the Lord? Do you take your work before him and ask him for wisdom to guide you? Is He a partner is all that you do? He should be. He should get the credit too. for all things come by Him. Col. 3:23 is a good verse to remind us of that. ALL in the Greek means, ALL. ALL in Hebrew means ALL. Think of about this, do people know you are different at work for a reason and that you are a disciple of Christ?
Allow Him to be in control, let Him lead. He is able!

May God bless you today as a dad. May you cherish your children. Can you imagine how much God Cherishes you? If you don't have a personal relationship with Christ, just tell him you want to begin that today. You know that you have been living for yourself and that is going to change and ask Him to take over. He will. Then get into a bible teaching church and the word of God. That is a big first start towards Jesus Christ. Hebrew 13:8

So is that light shining down on you today? It should be.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What Does Child Care Have To Do With Men?

I was sitting eating lunch at one of my favorite Zaxby's reading my latest copy of the Atlanta Business Chronicle when an article by Maria Saporta caught my eye. 4/2-8/10 issue, pg 8A.

The economy has taken its toll on the youngest among us. A new survey conducted by Quality Care for Children, an Atlanta-based organization dedicated to nurturing and educating infants and young children, has documented a sharp decline in the number of child-care centers, a net loss of about 600, in the state during 2009.

But the results are even more dire when it comes to quality child-care centers.

In 2008, Georgia had 304 centers that had been accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. In 2009, that number had dropped to only 221 nationally accredited child-care centers.

To put that in context, there are an estimated 470,000 children in Georgia under the age of 6 who spend as much as 10 hours a day in the care of someone other than their parents. But only 26,843 of those children (5.7 percent) are in centers that have received national accreditation.

Read more: Georgia’s child care is growing more fragile - Atlanta Business Chronicle:

First, I was thinking, hmm..economy has hit hard, my wife reminded me later of the programs now across the state tied into schools that many think of as free but they aren't...someone is paying....after school programs now exist and before school programs and I wonder why Ms. Saporta left that out. Many have opted in these "free" programs...still that is not the issue.

Next, the accredited centers is interesting but Maria doesn't go into detail of what is required in this article. It was the next line that got me to stop eating my Buffalo Blue Zalad.

To put that in context, there are an estimated 470,000 children in Georgia under the age of 6 who spend as much as 10 hours a day in the care of someone other than their parents.

I quickly remembered Robert Lewis's teaching in Men's Fraternity (Lifeway- Quest for Authentic Manhood) of how America changed from being an agricultural nation and the father worked the fields and the children learned but were always around dad. Then dad got a job in the factory and he was gone and then of course today we are in the two income family where the children are left and then picked up later in the day.

I would like for you to think about the lack of male role models in the lives of the young boy's represented in that 470,000 number as they go thru child care and into school. Then think about the lack of men in elementary school settings. Even in the church, think about the number of men that aren't involved in young men's lives until they reach 3rd of 4th grade if they are lucky in the church.

I am amazed at how many dads in church think, "I have my own children and I am not working the nursery anytime!" and in our church you don't have to change diapers! and this is the family of God.....but, I digress.

Here is some things that hit me as I enjoyed the Texas Toast at Zaxbys, men are missing from this equation. Men don't realize it, and the issue of fatherlessness across America is making it the new norm.

I mentioned this to a co-worker this past week and she quickly agreed. She remarked that "My son was blessed to have a man teach him in 2nd grade and it made a huge difference in his grades and his focus."

You see God Created man and woman to share the load. Man was created first for a reason and when man is neglecting his role as leader things get out of order of how God created him.
E.M. Bounds said in the 1500's that "God is not looking for better methods, He is looking for better men."

The shape of these young men in Georgia is probably only being shaped if they are involved in sports at an early age and that can be a great thing if you get a coach motivated to teach the game or a coach motivated only to win and living out his past to show he can beat other kids at a game.

The church needs to be praying about how to help make a difference in this.
You and I need to think about how we can Create A Better Story around this for these young men. We need to pray for wisdom to make a difference in our neck of the woods.

Donald Miller made me think alot about this last year on his national speaking tour to start men to mentor younger men and make a difference.

Donald's dad was an absent dad when he grew up and only met him much later in life. (Detailed in A Thousand Miles in A Million Years) and now his newest book " Father Fiction.

This is not an easy answer. I welcome your thoughts. We need to Create A Better Story for our young men today to be noble, authentic men who lead well. They learn this best from other men and if they aren't learning this, we will continue to lose the sight of true masculinity and think it comes only from playing sports.

I can remember graduating from college and getting involved in a youth soccer league as it started in the early 80's in my hometown in Alabama. No one except our league leader knew about soccer..he was from Charlotte and he showed us and taught us the game.

I had three teams over those years. One year it was 1st and 2nd graders. So much fun. Cloud of dust and a score! and then two years of 3rd and 4th graders. My younger brothers helped me with the teams and I even coached one team with 9 players instead of 11. All those young men are now grown and have families.

At that time, I didn't know and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. My heart is more attune today to these type issues because I see the toll it is taking on men in America.

Years later I worked with two different high school bands on staff as a hobby. It was an honor with a friend's band to take vacation and teach band camp with the kids. I learned so much about them, some had decided already about college others haven't and that is fine...but it was nice to encourage both these young men and women to reach past the "status quo" of life and as John Maxwell says, "It is lonely on the extra mile."

Sports is an exciting thing, but competitive band is a bit better in one way. You see in sports many times you beat one team and are recognized as the winner. In band with one of my friend's bands we beat 26 other bands one Saturday in a competition. There is not many feelings like that. The kids were so pumped. You see the year before they had a different director and had finished last. We intentionally took them back to this contest to get over that hurdle and show them that they could win by working hard as a team across many judging panels....The memory of them pulling into that last block in front of me and kicking that last lick in always stays with me. Then the horns came down and they were yelling, "One more time Mr. Humphrey, one more time" They were screaming, beaming and I turned around and from there on the 50 looked up and they had the whole crowd standing......I knew we had impacted their lives and created a memory they would never forget and if they didn't win, they had won the crowd over.

But today, men are shirking from leading in many ways and it is creating what many call a "leadership vaccuum."

They are not honoring the covenant of marriage. They father children and walk away and not even pay child support. Think about is over 50% of marriages are ending in divorce. Many divorces have slowed down due to this economy simply due to the fact that neither had money to split. The kids are an afterthought. Self is more important.

Marriage is a covenant before God. God says that He hates divorce. You can see why because He knows all the pain that will trail it and sometimes for generations.

As a man we need to figure out how we can touch younger men's lives 1) work the nursery at church 2) become prayer warriors with ones as they get into 5th and 6th grade 3) serve in FBLA and Jr Achievement programs with schools 4) Coach teams in sports if you have that gift 5) consider a career change to teach in elementary and middle schools 5) work on programs on character etc with schools for programs with guest speakers etc. 6) work high school bands as I did or with FCA.

We have much as men to share with younger men about the right things about being a man, a good sport and a encourager.

Would you join me in this prayer focus that we as men start to work with younger men?

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter 2010- The Tomb is Empty!

This is a special time of year and each year I get more excited each year Easter approaches. There is no story like this one. Jesus did what no other man has done because he wasn't man. He came to fulfill the Scripture and I am thankful for that. He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!!

Updated Thoughts and Ramblings: Just got Tyler Stanton's new book, "Everyday Absurdities" which is a thoughts he has been putting on the web for years at Some pretty funny stuff. Just ordered "A Failure of Nerve, Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix" looks like a tremendous jewel. Here is more about it:

Family and Life Updates...........

The kids continue to grow and are doing well with their transition from home school to Oakwood.

My wife loves her job and that is neat to see. I mean she loves it and is really doing some neat things as the high school opens this fall. She is working hard and taking good care of herself..

My son is a good young man and is Student Body President, the twins have just finished competing for drama competitions after a fall stint on the first volleyball team and doing great and little Sarah Beth is doing super in pre-K.
Fletcher and I started going driving last weekend to get him started learning to drive.
He is getting up at 5am in the morning to help with Oakwood's Easter in the Park event.
Our kids get the benefit of Woodland Park's Student Ministry and Oakwood's each week. wow...

My job continues to be a blessing. There is so much to do it can be overwhelming but that is what I love about it. I can go from an issue on the floor, an injury at 3am, to interviewing a sales candidate, to talking with our VP of Sales about territory strategy. Usually an ISO 14001 issue, Security issue to working on a training event to counseling an associate. The big item came four weeks ago.......

My church has been looking for a Senior Pastor for three years. After the last candidate told the elders no (for a super good reason) they asked me to lead a Pastor Search Team. Wow....what was really all God was that He had been shutting out ideas about men's ministry since November. I mean when I would work on event planning etc it was like He was saying no.....I don't want you working on that, then the ideas stopped, the passion I had was quenched and in talking with my mentors they had told me to simply pray and wait.

You know how hard that can be.

So I had stepped aside from leading our Men's Ministry- BridgeBuilders and handed leadership to another solid brother in Christ and stepped back. Still on the team but not leading.

That is when I got the call from one of my pastors. "The elders would like for you to lead the Pastor Search Team," "They feel with your background and giftedness in Human Resources, you would be a good fit for this."
I responded right away that I wanted to "Rebuild the Wall," ( We have been studying Nehemiah on Sundays) and I would be glad to lead this. was like so clear then. What an honor. Since that point I have had no worries about this process as I have been spending more time with Him than ever and He keeps reassuring me. I have enlisted many prayer warriors and I can feel their prayers...I know that God has the man who will be our next Sr. Pastor and we will find him.

The elders and pastors selected about 20 plus people from the body to be on this team with me. We met and talked about the process and asked each to pray and consider how much time this would take and if they were interested to come back the next week and we would begin.

That next week we had 17 people that felt God telling them to join this process. I lead a meeting thru Prayer, Sketching what we want the Pastor to look like ( just so they could realize that he can't be all those things, but be the man we need with the giftedness that fits this body) and then looked at the 12 qualities the elders said he should have. We also talked about giftedness of each team member and I thought it was superb that many had the gift of teaching. It would come in handy as we move forward. My gifts are administration and discernment.

I ask the Lord daily for a little bit of Solomon's Wisdom and the planning gift of Nehemiah in this process. My first issue was what to do with 17 people! So after prayer and thought, I decided three areas that would be key and let them sign up for which they would like.

Our Three Teams:
1) Process Development- this team comes up with things along the way to aid like a packet of information about the church, handles names from the body, and resumes.
2) Prayer and Communication-this team is to communicate with the body and to plan out the prayers for them to join us in. They are setting up a website to chart this journey too. Their first communication will be the 18th.
3) Research- this team has contacted seminaries and associations and the list of candidates the elders had and have been hard at work. They have my e-mail slammed with resumes.

This next Thursday the 8th we will regroup and compare where we are at since the 1st meeting.

I have called all 60 deacons of the church together for a short meeting on the 11th at the church to bring them up to speed in the communication process, ask them to take their place "on the wall" as Nehemiah did with many family leaders did. To stand with me, to begin to develop "Joshuas" in their areas and to be getting ready for growth of the church. This was the message the Lord spoke to me this past week.......He must be the focus not us!

Now, I am not nieve. Even Nehemiah faced opposition. I see it daily in work. I am ready. "Let me be clear" as someone likes to say alot....God has also taken me thru much in my life to prepare me for this moment. I will not let Him soon as the church link is up I will share it here so you can follow and prayer with us.

Lord, give me wisdom today and help me to do the things you need me to do to 1) lead my family so you will be proud 2) to cherish my wife and kids 3) to be a good named worker 4) to be able to lead this team that will make You proud 4) to fulfill my calling as an ambassador for Christ. 5) to make much of you in the "Kairos" moment I am here on Earth.

Today how are you doing about being closer to God? The way to do this in 1) be in a bible believing church 2) read and study the word of God 3) be discipled by someone else 4) disciple someone else and keep applying the word to your life......Remember it is not about you. It is about Him. More of Him and less of you....and especially at Easter, He died for you and me to have eternal life. Now, that is what is so wonderful about Jesus, my Abba father. Hebrews 13:8 the media, tv stars etc can despise Him but they will come and go, He stays the same for you and me.....Always...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Noticer Bringing Perspective

I signed up to BookSneeze to review books and here is my first of Andy Andrews book, The Noticer.

I read this whole book on the flight from Atlanta to Philly for business. It is a quick read and has it's moments. I think the added value of this is that it can be done with small groups with questions at the end and how they apply to your life.

The character/narrator at the beginning describes a pretty tough life and from what I can tell this is a story about the author's life. {Andy Andrews} Pretty tough. Centered on the Mobile Gulf Coast. Then he meets a man named Jones. Just Jones. The spiritual tie ins come starting in the first chapter when Jones asks the narrator of this story to step into the light. Reminds me of the movie "Simon Birch," where dark and light play such a huge role.

The key phrase for Jones is that he says "We need to start noticing a few things. We need to check your heart. We need to gather a little perspective."

This to me is so key, in that when I meet with a man with a problem in his life, I am always wanting to see where his heart is. Where he sees God. I liked this tie in and it comes up thru out the book as Jones meets different people and gives them perspective right when they need it. Their option is whether they accept the wisdom or not.

In this book all the people accept Jones wisdom and it changes their life from the actions they take. That is why it is in Christian Fiction. As even Christians don't do that.
That is one thing that confused me was Jones real for Andrews or just made up. I didn't ponder it too long but it is the premise for his life turnaround.

The key item in Chapter One for the narrator is that Jones ask him to ponder this question. "What is it about me that other people would change if they could?"

Once again this is a great question if you have some men mentoring you that will HONESTLY tell you these things to help you improve. Most people don't do this.

Next Jones helps a married couple about to divorce. I thought this was a weak spot to use Gary Chapman's Love Languages tied into this chapter. Thought Jones would have given both of them the book instead of looking like he was pulling that out of a hat....

He then deals with a man that is a worrier and this connects to workaholics....In Chapter 5 we find out that some people call him "Garcia." He speaks to some high school kids in this chapter about life, marriage and wisdom. "One way to define wisdom is the ability to see, into the future, the consequences of your choices in the present." Are as simple as John Maxwell puts it, "Your present decisions determine your future situations."

The wisdom he gives these young people about relationships was really good. I liked that and about marriage.

Another chapter deals with a landscaping/real estate guy that doesn't honor his word and of course that heart issue affects how he treats the workers that work for him. (like dirt). and needless to say his relationship with his wife was not good either and he was living on the edge of losing it all....Jones has some good wisdom and the chapter goes along enough for you to see the character trying to change his business and life.

Later on the author, goes with Jones and meets a young man under the pier the same way the book started.
Then Jones disappears and all that is left of his briefcase. This chapter lags and reminded me of a Murder She Wrote episode. There is no way that all those people would wait as long as they did to open Jone's briefcase and see what what was in it.
I won't spoil anymore of this book.

As I said it was an easy read and I think the Reader's Guide was a good idea to add for discussion of the deeper points of the book.

I reccommend this book to anyone who is struggling in life thru job loss, relationships and in prioritizing life and work.....then I would follow up with the bible verses on those areas and stories of some of those characters and how God intervened in their lives.

Putting Life into Perspective is what God calls us each to do.
One of the questions towards the end is Do you have a "Jones" in your life? are you a "Jones" to anyone else?

Discipleship and mentoring is something I do and also have three men I count on to keep an eye on me. Their wisdom and time with them means more to me than they will ever know. In Proverbs 27:17 men are encouraged to be as iron sharpening iron. Some times there are sparks and the can get "wee weeded up" as I President said. But, they still care for one another.

Andrews writes," Rebuild with a grateful heart. You may have lost a house, but you did not lose your home. Remember you are still breathing...(pg 95). I thought this was really close to what Truitt Cathy said many years ago about "When do people need encouragement? If they are breathing... " People always need someone to smile, to say good just say hello!
I met with a dear brother who works discipling major league baseball players and he gave me a complement and I quickly said its nothing ....he calmly brother...take the complement you have done well....
Men are so use to performance that we even have a hard time taking complements.

Get a copy of this book and then get some extras to give to others. Mine is gone already into some one's hands. Can't wait to discuss.

The way Andrews rights about Orange Beach too makes me want to go down there on vacation to the Sea N Suds......Thanks Andy for writing this. God Bless!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Looking back at the Week

This was a busy week. Most are if you working hard and involved in things around you. We had about 3 inches of snow last weekend and it was quite an event. The stories about how people where I work got home that day were funny. We aren't used to that type of weather here in Ga. We were blessed that no one was killed in the Tennessee Valley over that whole weekend.

This past week we went through hourly reviews of all of associates in operations. It is good to see managers/supervisors who thru the training we have given and also the questions asked on these reviews have rated people very solidly based on eight key areas of performance. It wasn't always that way. We have worked on performance coaching for three years. Conflict doesn't come naturally to us, as leaders we have to address it. Sometimes you have to ask the hard questions to actually help a leader see he is stuck or biased. Good HR people balance that divide. I am very much for the business but also very much for the associate. I had another issue this week after doing this for 25 years that always brings home the point that there are two sides to every story....and there are.....

Rick (Burgess) on Rick and Bubba on XM Radio and many syndicated stations was talking about the old days of radio during a segment with James Spann. That brought back memories to when I would cue up records on the 45 table and get it ready to play. They don't get to do that today with CD's.....If you don't remember 45 rpm records then you don't know what you missed either.

We were blessed to have Herb Reese visit us in Chattanooga on the 23rd. His visit thru New Commandment Ministries There are 13 churches that will be taking his team approach to men's ministry to the Tennessee Valley! We also added one more team to our four groups.

Re upped with XM Radio for the 7th season. Get alot of enjoyment out of it. Have two SkY Fi units that are really old now...(7 and 6 yrs) but work great and enjoy the options of having something to always listen to. Got the Family Plan this year and saved a $1 per month. My son keeps one boom box in his room. He likes the Comedy Channel. I do miss HEAR Music that used to be XM. With the changes with the Sirius merge there have been a few misses but understandable. In the winter like now I listen to Alt Nation/80's/The Message/Nashville! and more. But listen to Dan Patrick, Rick and Bubba then Mad Dog at work each day.

Special week this week as Sarah Beth began to read to me at night. That was big. She is doing well with it too. Very, very special to hear her reading those words. Incredible. Praise the Lord for it.

Last thing from this week that ties it all together was Saturday meeting before we go out and do ministry to widows and single moms by working on their homes. Charles Fricks of our BridgeBuilders leadership team spoke on God using Ordinary Men to do Extraordinary Things. It was a good message and we got to pray over our elders and pastor that is now responsible for our ministry.

So, when you think about that. What do you see in your life that God is doing right now? Ordinary people are always involved in doing extraordinary things in His name. Are you involved in those things at work? By how you do your work? By how you don't gossip? By how you support your leaders? By how you honor your wife? By how you serve in church instead of just sitting in the pew?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Day After

Well, Herb Reese was here and we had about 60 men attend our Saturday morning event with him at the Park. Several churches were represented there and that was the biggest answer to prayer of the event to have like minded men to attend. Treated Herb to lunch at Steak and Shake, {they don't have S&S in Colorado and he loves the 5 way Chili!} and updated him on the teams we had ministering to widows and single moms and how we were doing. He has a wonderful ministry and other posts below if your church and your men are not doing this ministry, check out what Jesus said about it. This is a mandated ministry and it is wonderful to help others. Bernie and Men's Ministry Network had about 30 men attend their dinner. All men that intend to implement these teams. They get it.

Favorite moments of the week: Darius Rucker on Dan Patrick. Rucker used to be with Hootie and The Blowfish and still does gigs with them. He was a great guest and they sang and played Prince's song for the Vikings... terrible. Learned a new word : Fandomship.

XM/Sirius's Mad Dog Russo's infatuation with books on a sports show is funny. He has read John Adams and watched the HBO series and plays the theme to the show and yells "Join or Die!" He loves callers...

Attended the Catoosa GOP meeting last week {my first} and heard Joan Edwards speak about the churches role in politics and its social responsibilities. Great speech. Also got to meet a candidate for Attorney General....

XM 158...Rick on saying to the other guys, "Here is your cup of shut up juice take it and sip it!" haven't heard that before....funny.

Scott Brown riding his truck into the win in Mass. Many more of these coming to the Democrats that Obama has lead into believing they have political capital. They have spent it and now they will start to be replaced.

Allistar Begg's excellent series on What is the Church? to listen. If you are a leader in the church you need to listen to the two sessions on Shepherding.

Twittering back and forth with Greta Van Susterin of Fox News, Wes Rucker of the Free Press, and John Fricke of Fox Sports Radio. @jaxstatefan is me.

We start back February 6th with Reveille! @ Country Place Restaurant with Charles Fricks leading on "Great Resumes from the Bible," @ 7am with our four teams and 8 new men that have signed onto our teams to minister to the widow, single mom and fatherless. It was great to have Bernie Ritterbush

Man in the Mirror is having several events coming to the Atlanta area in February:

- Friday evening, Feb. 12th, David Delk, Finding a New Best Friend in Your Spouse, Dunwoody Baptist Church
- Saturday morning, Feb, 13th, David Delk, Men's Breakfast, Peachtree City Christian Church
- Saturday evening, Feb. 13th, David Delk, The Marriage Prayer event, Mt. Pisgah UMC

My wife's birthday is this next week. So thankful to have her as my wife. I thank God for her and the four wonderful kids we have. God is good.......He didn't promise us an easy life, I am looking forward to heaven! Have you spent time telling your kids and your wife that you love them? Have you shown them? How about the people you work with ---do they see the light of Christ in you that should make you different? The Holy Spirit should do that!

and last but not least ---praying for you Gary!

God Bless,

Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Commandment and Herb Reese in Chattanooga!

BridgeBuilders is proud to welcome Herb Reese of New Commandment Ministries of Colorado to Woodland Park for a special event on Saturday morning, January 23rd, 2010 from 8:30am until 11:00am centered around the biblical calling to men to care for widows, fatherless, immigrants or distressed persons within the family of the church.

“As we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially those who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:10a

“Do not take advantage of a widow or orphan. If you do, they will cry out to me and I will certainly hear their cry. “ “He (God) defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing.” Deuteronomy 10:18

Here is what Herb Reese will be discussing and reviewing:

*The difference between kind gestures and Christ's love.
*The three unique qualities of Christ's love.
*The role of good works in the Christian life.
*God's heart for those in distress.

*An alternate model for smaller churches.
*How to organize teams.
*Recommended policies.
*Suggestions for service projects.
*Frequently Asked Questions.*And more!

There are three ways to register you and your group for this free event.

First, contact Woodland Park by calling 423.899.9186 x102 and registering

or e-mail at

Last but not least you can register for this free event straight on the web @ this link: