Saturday, November 12, 2011

Real Men Act Noble

It was the 1500's and Edward Bounds wrote "God is not looking for better methods, he is looking for better men."

You just have to look at where men are today to see, what a "real" man looks like.

When you look at what just happened at Penn State is another indicator of poor choices by men in light of what should have happened.

Robert Lewis has said that "real men are noble {adj. having excellent or moral character, relating to higher moral principles} , but you don't hear that anymore do you?" so true. The Apostle Paul said in one of his letters to the church 2 Timothy 3 that man/woman would get worse....not better when it comes to self. This you can see in many areas where society's moral decline continues.

You can look at the case in Happy Valley and for this generation it will always be remembered for a lack of leadership. A tragedy that affects many. That was covered up by many. In a place that the name will not have true meaning for many, many years.

Mostly men that should have stepped up to the protection of children. The opposite thinking of protecting a school, a coach's record, their job, not thinking but what if this gets out? Self...self...self..

Today, it is hard for a man to see what nobility looks like. He will not see it on network television or commercials. Men are portrayed as dumb, slow, and more. Shows from the past such as the Waltons etc are seen as out of touch. Backward thinking. I abhor to think about this even 10 years from now.

One of my favorite historical people from the bible is Josiah. He took over as King at an early age as a child. Taking over from a time when several evil kings had ruled. When he learned of the truth and how it had been hidden he was full of rage (the good kind) and despair that he didn't know these things.

His next step was to make things right.

As a man today,
Where do you draw the line?

  • Do you lead with integrity?

  • Do you try to make things right whereever you go?

  • Do you like that word noble?

  • Do your children understand what that looks like?

  • How do you show them? Paul called men that do this in their jobs- "Good named workers" ---Chip Ingram has said that a manager would say- "What is it you have? I want 10 people that work just like you!"

Where do you draw the line on ethical conduct? Do you know where that is? where did you learn it?

I was recently at a conference where a futurist spoke. He gave us many great ideas to ponder about business and change in the world. But, he clearly said that truth is going to be in this Organic Age whatever you want it to be. People say that want truth but you can rarely find it today, just look at the media. We have more stories being written today than ever but all told thru a personal filter. We all have it.

  • Where do you seek truth? How do you go about it?

Today take a moment and put together a plan of how you will be more noble.

  • Start with your family first in how can you honor your wife? She should beam with life that you honor her and lead your family in a positive uplifting way.

  • How can you show your kids what a "real" man is so that your son or daughter see that?

  • Who are other men you could include in your inner circle that will keep you accountable? Guide you on tough issues? Be there with you in mountain top moments and during the valleys? Begin to seek them.

Seek men that are NOT yes men in your life. Seek men that will tell you the truth and guard you from making decisions that will hurt you, your family or your company (career). Men that will tell you NO, you are wrong, what are you thinking? .....iron sharpens iron...

Jesus of Nazareth called that discipleship. Look at His model and the work He did in a short amount of time that changed the world. Heck, he defines time. {A.D} His principles are all opposite of the world. Self before others. Spend some time learning about them. They are lifechanging.

Look around your town for groups like CBMC that meet. Gosh, I love those guys. They helped me years ago when I was struggling. Lifeway Stores sells "The Quest for Authentic Manhood" DVD series. I have a friend that is starting a group to go thru it right now with guys from his neighborhood! He wants to be around guys looking to be Noble!

  • Have a teenage son? Get "Raising a Modern Day Knight," by Robert Lewis to create a ceremony for him.

  • Daughters? Get "What a Daughter Needs from her Dad," by Michael Farris. I have lead several groups of men thru a discussion just around this book and seen light bulb moments, stories of change for the better and just greater understanding of how to lead your family.

  • How about ethics? John Maxwell wrote a book several years ago that is called, "There is No Such Thing as Business Ethics." Because there isn't. Quick read, but powerful.

Michael Hyatt has been traveling this year just speaking on a having a life plan! Here is a link to that to consider:

Remember what E. M. Bounds said? Not better methods, better men.....Put your gameplan together to become a Noble Man. Each day take a step forward, but without a will wander.

and take time to pray for all around Happy Valley.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Present Decisions Determine Future Situations

Do they ever. When you are approached at work about new tasks, projects or oh, yes the dreaded C word : Change. How do you respond?

Several years ago I was asked by my leader to take on a new role of increased responsibility, travel and in pulling several operations into improving performance in risk management and injuries across several manufacturing plants.

It involved bringing people together and meeting targets set by the president of the company.

Let me say that it was contrary first to my behavioral style and my leader was very good about taking me with him on trips and showing me what to expect and how to “do travel.” He was supportive and also demanding to meet goals. His role to the transition was just excellent. He set up the change very well. That is key.

Our team came together over several months. Did I mention this was during a merger? Sorry, forgot about that too. It kinda was something you couldn’t not notice in our culture.

We nailed down key policies, action plans and then put them into play. We were the first department in the newly merged company to be “together” on all policies, training and action plans. We all worked well together too. Because we started off by building relationships and what we all brought to the table. What great talent! Years of service and experience! The time went by quickly.

And then at a Chicago sports bar and eating something like a burger, after this was all done, my leader asked me if I would like to be considered for our owner’s employee of the year award. I said that would be neat. He then changed the conversation and I didn’t think another thing about it for several months.

Until the letter came.

I was standing with a consultant that worked with me and the letter was from our owner from Switzerland.

“OPEN IT!,” he shouted. “OPEN IT NOW!”

I opened and slowly read aloud that I was being recognized for performance as an Employee of the Year and would I join our owner in Switzerland during the week of August….?

“I WANT TO GO WITH YOU!” my consultant buddy yelled.


That would be a trip of a lifetime wrapped around another week with my wife in Ireland. It also marked several more trips to have special dinners with the owner when he came to the states.

Present Decisions Determine Future Situations….as John Maxwell says in one his many excellent books.

My approach to the change, to dig in and get involved and make a difference paid off in a way that I will never forget. More about that in a future post.

Today. What change are you a part of in your work? John Maxwell has said to that “Change can equal growth or grief.”

Have you accepted the assignment with an open mind and not one of a “Ain’t It Awful” mentality?

Being given more work during this time in our business world is the new way to do work. It makes all of us multi taskers and more serious learners of our business.

Not every assignment is going to lead to a week in Europe. I know that really well. My illustration is that I went into that to be a “good-named worker” so that others could see light in this world instead of darkness. Colossians 3:23

It also had much impact on how I lead all teams today and work with others.

Can you look at how you are interacting with people today to think about how you can improve that experience for those people? Of course you can. You are creating a better story when you evaluate and then refine/improve your communication style thru building relationships.

Vitamin A (Application) What are two ways you could start this week improving (Even if they are really good) relationships at work and at home?

What project are you working on right now or about to work on that you can make a WOW project? like Tom Peters has discussed in the past. WOWem…. Think about how to show value for the work you do.

For more to go deeper…read Linchpin by Seth Godin…. Excellent for this type of mindset.

That trip by the way was this month in 1996. My how time flies. I am looking at the plaque I received that night on August 24th in Zurich over dinner with my beaming wife and a crowd from our owner’s 18 others companies watching. Wow……Blessed.

*Present Decisions Determine Future Situations- John Maxwell

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Helping Hands

I received this note from Pat Harrington this week whom has started a ministry to help others looking for jobs. She asked me to be on a panel last year where 60 people from all types of careers came together seeking ideas on ways to obtain employment.
She has done a wonderful job. I wanted to just share this with you thru the blog. Pat, pray for you everyday and this ministry in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Earlier this week I sent you an email asking you to join me on a “Field Trip” to Roswell UMC ( to learn about their jobs ministry. About the same time as I was planning this trip and notifying you, God was working in the background. I have been so blessed by one of the ladies I have been working with that I had to share her testimony with you.

What HOPE stands for is so much more than JOBS – it’s really about SOULS. The story below is only one of the tangible signs we can see of the harvest of this work. I pray that you will read the story below and be as moved as I am. The harvest is plentiful and the workers are few. If this isn’t your “calling,” would you consider passing the message on to someone else who may be just waiting to serve those who are broken-hearted by job loss?


Clarrisa is one of the ladies I’ve been working with since April. She has 4 felony convictions for aggravated (armed) robbery. Her life sounds like a story that you would only see on television and I can hardly believe the horrors she has lived through. Through our time together, I have grown to love her. She has a very good heart and has such great potential to do whatever she would like to do in life. Up until now, she just hasn’t had the chance.

Clarrisa volunteered for my organization since we met in April and I have seen God work true miracles in her life. It has been wonderful getting to know her and to be able to watch her transformation. Even more wonderful, is watching her amazement as God has proved Himself faithful to her over and over again in the most miraculous ways. The miracles and blessings bestowed on her were not lost on her. She knew that what was happening in her life were truly gifts from God. As she grew closer to Him, He continued to lead, encourage and reward her.

She interviewed for a position at The Chattanoogan Hotel this week and was hired for a position immediately. Despite her criminal background, she has been given a chance that she thought would never be open to her. She called me and expressed such joy, appreciation and amazement. Her bus pass was expiring at midnight that evening and she didn’t have appropriate, comfortable shoes in which to do her new housekeeping job. She went to the Bethlehem Center to finish up some volunteer work she was doing there. They asked her if she needed transportation (she did) and also asked if she needed clothing or anything to start her new job (she did). They handed her a check for $100 and she was able to get exactly what she needed. She starts her new job on Friday.

I wanted to share the letter she wrote back to me with you. God is truly amazing and I know that the work I’m doing is Kingdom work. I am trusting in His faithfulness to bring what I need to continue this ministry and thank Him daily for people like you. I pray constantly for other who will come alongside me to continue this important work.


I began volunteer work with Mrs. Pat Harrington back in April. I remember when I was recommended to go work with her I was told that I was the lucky one. Well that was surely an under statement. I was in fact the most blessed one. Working with Mrs. Pat through the HOPE Job Support was a wonderful experience. I gained some special friends and also educated my brain a lot more. I learned how to make a more productive resume, how to use basic computer skills such as Excel, PowerPoint, Typing, etc. I grew closer to God which was the most important thing. The love and support that Mrs. Harrington had for me was amazing. She made me feel like I was her own. She did everything in her power to make sure that I had everything I needed to be prepared for not only a job but also for life struggles and battles. She also taught me how to get through an interview without crashing. With her help I succeeded in that interview and landed me a job at The Chattanoogan Hotel. I never thought I would ever get a job there due to my criminal background and history. But with the help of God and the support of HOPE I made it. HOPE has blessed me in so many different ways. I will always be here for Mrs. Harrington to help here and the HOPE program in any way that I can. She shed a lot of light on me and for that I thank you Pat and love you dearly. I will recommend you to every person that I feel deserve to be in your presence. God done a wonderful thing when he created you and then blessed you with HOPE Job Support Ministry so that you could bless others. Thank You so very much.


Here is Pat's contact info:

Pat Harrington

HOPE Job Support Ministry


Monday, May 30, 2011

The National's Last Day

June 13, 1991 The National Sports Daily published it's last issue. Boy, it was supposed to be something. It was something. Frank Deford and many of the best sportwriters in the business, I mean quality columnists. But, a distribution problem made it hard to get. I had just moved to Chattanooga and I would throw down a $1 for each issue { a day late due to delivery} and was just in heaven reading this tabloid style paper.

And then it died.

It was supposed to have deep pockets and it did to get all that talent but it all came to an end. To me, there hasn't been anything like it since then but I believe with things like the tablets we are getting very close.

Recently, The Sporting News started a daily e-edition called The Sporting News Daily and I got it for awhile, but since I already get three dailies in print it was hard to get to.

Recently getting an I-pad I saw that they had this available and only for $3 a month. I got the app and let me tell you the pictures are excellent, the look great and you get all the major scores and stories of the night/ day before.

There are Sporting News columnists and AOL Fanhouse that cover the basics and even last week they broke two good stories. But, it's not The National. It is the only thing I have seen that runs close to it. USA TODAY has always been a favorite and as a subscriber for many, many years love it very much.

But, just sports in a daily.

Sporting News is on to something. I hope that they can continue this e-edition, add some quality columnists and bring back some memories and set new ground in sports journalism.

Here are details about the National Sports Daily in case you missed the whole thing:

This tells us all something. Good things must come to an end. Make sure you are taking time today to enjoy those around you. I admit I struggle with this too, but we must take time to focus on friends and family. We must also enjoy each day we have. As Edwin Louis Cole said, We only get one time thru this life.

So, what are you doing today to create a better story?

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Tornadoes Bring Stories> Life Change

The recent devastation in the deep South from the tornado outbreak has created stories.

The story began several days before. Weather evangelists shared that there was a huge potential for serious weather that would come across the South. I remember seeing a prediction of about two hours of severe weather coming across my area and that day shared this with my night shift leaders in Operations since this would have us shelter our associates for a long period of time.

But with Twitter and what was being seen it was even more serious. That was several days before.

The Day before the warnings were louder.

Then the morning came and the serious storms were supposed to hit North Georgia around 7pm that night. I got to work early that morning and warned associates by e-mail of the serverity and reminded them of being ready to Shelter in Place if things changed.

Things changed.

Weather around 8am changed, watching Twitter, storms were stirring. Talking with Security and my Captain was concerned. She said she would stay in touch. The Weather Radio goes off about 8:25am from Peachtree City for a Tornado Warning for Chickamauga where my wife teaches and where our kids are. I call her and tell her, she hung up and got moving at the school.

Things changed quickly.

Around 8:45am My Captain called me and said we have a tornado warning and I am sounding the alarm to Shelter....I replied, "Headed that way!" { This is where training takes in and leaders in Operations and our Emergency Readiness Team in the Office come into play}

We got everyone sheltered and as went in the area I asked our Customer Service Manager to pull up the radar. We looked ok. Looked south. But Chattanooga? I could actually see the hook on the radar that was up there. Prayed for everyone in a hallway and kept moving thru the building to make sure everyone was safe in place. Walked in our biggest shelter area, people calm, trying to connect to family, following our drill protocol.

This was unexpected even the Weather Evangelists missed it. It told me that what they said was true but I had a feeling it was going to be worse than what we thought.

The Tornado in our county was toward Rome, Ga and did some significant damage. Others had hit in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The one headed for Chickamauga had done lots of damage in Dade County.

Things kept changing.

The day and ride home included hearing that the worse was to come on the radio. Schools had been released earlier {one of the best moves of the day}
My wife was home when I got there and had the kids sheltered in place at home.

We watched television for updates on NewsChannelNine with David Glenn and watch James Spann on U-stream. James was big as we watched the tornado hit Tuscaloosa, Phil Campbell, Hackleburg, Pratt City, Cullman, Birmingham (watched it over the internet go thru the city) and then head up I-59 over Lake Weiss and right towards Rome, Georgia.

By the way, there are four more cells that come thru our area. One on the south end of Catoosa and east side of Walker looked bad on the Weather Channel radar, a friend calls from the area. He has lost power, I said bad weather is on you, but it going north of you and it looks bad. All the cells that came thru our area were just severe storms no tornadoes. We were blessed.

That one was the one that laid down on one side of I-75 in Ringgold, Georgia and took out a whole exit, damage to the town, schools, and in effect shut Ringgold down for a week.

My friend in Ringgold called me back, he was attempting to get medication and he said that Ringgold on the I-75 exit is gone! Everything got hit, I reminded him to get home ASAP as there were some other cells coming from Huntsville and would be there in awhile. I would see what he was talking about the next morning as I went to work.

Listening to the Sheriff's office over the internet in Catoosa County proved to be unsettling, officers were finding bodies outside of Ringgold on roads such as Friendhip Road which heads up to Tennessee. 5 was the count at midnight.....if you followed this you know back towards Alabama this was nothing.

Back at our plant, I had been in touch with Security during this whole time because there was a tornado headed towards Rome ---remember the one that came into Tuscaloosa? Well, it is now going to go between Rome and Cartersville. I tell Security it probably won't changed and head north but you will be getting a tornado warning soon so get ready.
We sheltered our associates then and then one more time that night.

There are so many stories that started that day....Wednesday, April 27th. I am thankful that our Weather Evangelists sounded the alarm like they did earlier. I am still amazed at how many people didn't pay attention to this. I think that has changed for this area of the South. I think this generation like the ones did with the storms of the 70s that you must respect the weather and prepare for the worst.

May God Bless you and your family. Our prayers are with those rebuilding homes, businesses and cities....May God comfort you during this time and give you strength.

Here is a link to the devastation by our local paper the Chattanooga Times Free Press:

What is your story?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Robert Lewis gives some wisdom on discipleship

Robert Lewis was the guest by Skype this past Thursday night of the Men's Ministry Network based in Chattanooga, Tennessee. MMN is working to address the need for intentional discipleship with men in their churches. This night the dinner meeting was held at the BX and 80 men attended.
Robert Lewis developed Men's Fraternity curriculum in the 90's at the request of the men of his church in Little Rock, Arkansas that had attended Promise Keeper events but wanted to learn more about being authentic men.
So Lewis, crafted three years of content and then also had it picked up for placement in Lifeway Stores too.
He was asked tonight to talk about discipleship.
Robert asked the question to begin, How are people transformed into authentic followers of Jesus Christ?
He said that are four ways 1) first by truth by moving from head knowledge to the heart 2) Close relationships drive it 3) Spending time with people 4) training that requires commitment and application for transformation
Is there real intentional men or women's discipling in your church he asked?

He said pastors should think of as few as seven areas where they want people to be transformed and select the right tools (the best out there) and then choose lay people who have those gifts in those areas and then train them how to use it to train others. (Equipping)

The key to men's ministry today in America is pastoral affirmation and Robert said a lot of pastors just don't get it. They don't see that so go the men so go the church. He said it is a big problem with pastors today.

His Q/A session was super and he was asked about how to just start discipling other men. He said think of areas that you love and you are really good at. Find a resource that amplifies it and then some guys around you and challenge them and disciple them. Could be money, marriage, evangelism he said this is what he calls "Slice of Life" discipleship. Everyone can disciple someone in something he said.

I shared early in the evening about using Men's Fraternity at work where we meet over lunch and watch Robert on DVD teaching. We just finished Quest of Authentic Manhood and have started Winning at Work and Home with 16 guys over a brown bag lunch group at work. (really more Chickfila than brown bags- somebody always makes a run) We have done this for two years now. Good group of men. This is probably my 3rd time thru "Winning" but it just gets better each time I go thru it. DVD's and workbooks are available at Lifeway Stores and online.

Chattanooga area Young Life helped serve dinner at this event. We hope several men signed up to disciple some of these college guys who love the Lord. Great group!

Bernie Ritterbush, of Men's Ministry Network gave a update on the intentional Discipleship mini-conferences that MMN will be offering in Chattanooga in the future called (re)think Discipleship. The next dinner is scheduled for May 19th and will debut certain discipleship classes for Pauls, Timothies and more.

Check out for more information as it gets closer and to purchase tickets to the event on May 19th and bring a friend with you. Many thanks to J-103 Radio in Chattanooga for helping promote the event.

I brought my son with me and he was fired up to begin some lunch meetings at school around the bible with some other guys. Meal was excellent and cooked by the group at the BX on campus at Brainerd Baptist.

As always we seek your help in praying for this ministry as we move from desire to engagement to intentional disciple making with men around the Chattanooga area. Love God, Love People.

Hebrews 13:8

Action Points:
So who or whom are you mentoring? Who is mentoring you? Not good to be alone. When you are alone you can be picked off by Satan. He is intent on destroying marriages. Think about whom you could ask to be in your inner circle and be more intentional of doing life with in areas where you need to grow. Pray about that.
If you aren't mentoring someone, consider it. Pray about it.
We weren't created to be doing life alone. God Bless you.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Behind The Microphone

This week I was reaching back and once again sharing stories of times gone by with a good friend over a nice meal.

The time was almost 25 years ago as I was behind the mic of a radio station doing SportSTalk in the mid-80s before it became what it is today. No internet, No Twitter, just AP wire and several newspaper subscriptions.

It was a fun hobby. I would do live cut-ins in the morning and then tape 60 second drops for the AM/FM station I worked at (10 total) and then come back that night and do a live show.

I look back on that today and wonder how I had time to do that! Especially football games each Friday night, and I was called into service one basketball season to finish the season games for a friend.

Let me say that out of broadcasting live events such as baseball, football and basketball, that basketball is the hardest to paint a picture well for a listener.

As I was reflecting this I was reminding myself how important it is for us to be where and in what God has gifted us for. When you are in a career, job, vocation or career where He has clearly gifted you, you can feel it and also it comes across in how you plan the work and actually going about accomplishing it.

Present decisions will determine future situations as John Maxwell says and the decisions you are making today about your growth or lack of it will show up in a year or in several years. If you aren't growing it can also be a detriment to your career or even for promotions.

Are you in a job where your giftedness is showing? what if you aren't? why is that? what can you do outside of your job to be in that giftedness? where do you want to be? in a different field? How will you get there? What has to change within you to get there?

Sometimes we can be our biggest roadblock. Sometimes it just isn't time yet.
With radio, in high school I wasn't voted on the high school radio show. It was tough. But after college I got a chance doing Sportsradio and it was a blast. My general manager said I had a get it in radio, Hank many don't. You have that special spark he said.....

I didn't just get into Human Resources either, I had to work in other areas that got me ready to do it.

My point today is to say that sometimes we go thru the forest to arrive at our destination. If you haven't gotten into your calling yet look at why and ask God to continue to lead you to that destination. He will open doors at the right time and introduce you to people along the way that if you are pursuing Him....the problem is He isn't on our time table.

Don't get discouraged by walls and roadblocks. They are there for a reason. Figure out why and ask Him to continue to show you the path you need to walk. Trust Him. He is worthy of that trust. He is the most inclusive friend I know.

Talk to friends about what you are going thru, form an inner circle of those wiser than you to give you counsel, seek wisdom from others that have been there done that, people are willing to tell you how they did what they did. Be curious, read books about the subject, be willing to learn new things.....but don't ever stop.....finish the race as Paul said.

May God Bless you today and your family. Pursue Holiness, Pursue Christ, Pursue the God-man that defines our timeline. (AD) Jesus