Saturday, June 19, 2010

Where is the Light shining on you?

I would like to give credit to Franklin Lindsey for this great shot of this pier and you can purchase his photo at his link here:

As Father's Day is here again. I am reminded how blessed I am with four wonderful children. I don't think of it as a day about Dad as a day to relish in being a dad.

At the same time I know I need to be an example to them each day as what a dad is supposed to look like. What a man after God is supposed to be doing. After all the Christ life is not about me at all. It is all about others.

As you hit this mid point of the year, how are you doing in your relationship with God? How is that going? spending time in the word anymore? small groups study? taking the Sunday sermon and looking at the teaching further? taking the Sunday sermon and leading family devotional times?
I am looking right now how I can make sure I am carving out more time for quiet time and study of the word. I can't apply the word of God unless I am learning it and letting it soak into my heart. Can people see you are a disciple of God? see the light shining down on you? see that Holy Spirit in you is real and is guiding you? or are they seeing darkness?

Next how are you doing with your wife? Made time to honor her? Help around the house? make her feel special? does she see the light in you?
Think of ways to make this relationship more God centered in the last six months of the year.

Next your are they growing in Christ? That is one of the most important things we can do is to teach our kids to love the word of God and to continue to learn it and apply it to their lives. How are you helping show them things they need to know about being a young man or a young lady? Very key.

Next is your career. It is honoring to the Lord? Do you take your work before him and ask him for wisdom to guide you? Is He a partner is all that you do? He should be. He should get the credit too. for all things come by Him. Col. 3:23 is a good verse to remind us of that. ALL in the Greek means, ALL. ALL in Hebrew means ALL. Think of about this, do people know you are different at work for a reason and that you are a disciple of Christ?
Allow Him to be in control, let Him lead. He is able!

May God bless you today as a dad. May you cherish your children. Can you imagine how much God Cherishes you? If you don't have a personal relationship with Christ, just tell him you want to begin that today. You know that you have been living for yourself and that is going to change and ask Him to take over. He will. Then get into a bible teaching church and the word of God. That is a big first start towards Jesus Christ. Hebrew 13:8

So is that light shining down on you today? It should be.