Saturday, November 12, 2011

Real Men Act Noble

It was the 1500's and Edward Bounds wrote "God is not looking for better methods, he is looking for better men."

You just have to look at where men are today to see, what a "real" man looks like.

When you look at what just happened at Penn State is another indicator of poor choices by men in light of what should have happened.

Robert Lewis has said that "real men are noble {adj. having excellent or moral character, relating to higher moral principles} , but you don't hear that anymore do you?" so true. The Apostle Paul said in one of his letters to the church 2 Timothy 3 that man/woman would get worse....not better when it comes to self. This you can see in many areas where society's moral decline continues.

You can look at the case in Happy Valley and for this generation it will always be remembered for a lack of leadership. A tragedy that affects many. That was covered up by many. In a place that the name will not have true meaning for many, many years.

Mostly men that should have stepped up to the protection of children. The opposite thinking of protecting a school, a coach's record, their job, not thinking but what if this gets out? Self...self...self..

Today, it is hard for a man to see what nobility looks like. He will not see it on network television or commercials. Men are portrayed as dumb, slow, and more. Shows from the past such as the Waltons etc are seen as out of touch. Backward thinking. I abhor to think about this even 10 years from now.

One of my favorite historical people from the bible is Josiah. He took over as King at an early age as a child. Taking over from a time when several evil kings had ruled. When he learned of the truth and how it had been hidden he was full of rage (the good kind) and despair that he didn't know these things.

His next step was to make things right.

As a man today,
Where do you draw the line?

  • Do you lead with integrity?

  • Do you try to make things right whereever you go?

  • Do you like that word noble?

  • Do your children understand what that looks like?

  • How do you show them? Paul called men that do this in their jobs- "Good named workers" ---Chip Ingram has said that a manager would say- "What is it you have? I want 10 people that work just like you!"

Where do you draw the line on ethical conduct? Do you know where that is? where did you learn it?

I was recently at a conference where a futurist spoke. He gave us many great ideas to ponder about business and change in the world. But, he clearly said that truth is going to be in this Organic Age whatever you want it to be. People say that want truth but you can rarely find it today, just look at the media. We have more stories being written today than ever but all told thru a personal filter. We all have it.

  • Where do you seek truth? How do you go about it?

Today take a moment and put together a plan of how you will be more noble.

  • Start with your family first in how can you honor your wife? She should beam with life that you honor her and lead your family in a positive uplifting way.

  • How can you show your kids what a "real" man is so that your son or daughter see that?

  • Who are other men you could include in your inner circle that will keep you accountable? Guide you on tough issues? Be there with you in mountain top moments and during the valleys? Begin to seek them.

Seek men that are NOT yes men in your life. Seek men that will tell you the truth and guard you from making decisions that will hurt you, your family or your company (career). Men that will tell you NO, you are wrong, what are you thinking? .....iron sharpens iron...

Jesus of Nazareth called that discipleship. Look at His model and the work He did in a short amount of time that changed the world. Heck, he defines time. {A.D} His principles are all opposite of the world. Self before others. Spend some time learning about them. They are lifechanging.

Look around your town for groups like CBMC that meet. Gosh, I love those guys. They helped me years ago when I was struggling. Lifeway Stores sells "The Quest for Authentic Manhood" DVD series. I have a friend that is starting a group to go thru it right now with guys from his neighborhood! He wants to be around guys looking to be Noble!

  • Have a teenage son? Get "Raising a Modern Day Knight," by Robert Lewis to create a ceremony for him.

  • Daughters? Get "What a Daughter Needs from her Dad," by Michael Farris. I have lead several groups of men thru a discussion just around this book and seen light bulb moments, stories of change for the better and just greater understanding of how to lead your family.

  • How about ethics? John Maxwell wrote a book several years ago that is called, "There is No Such Thing as Business Ethics." Because there isn't. Quick read, but powerful.

Michael Hyatt has been traveling this year just speaking on a having a life plan! Here is a link to that to consider:

Remember what E. M. Bounds said? Not better methods, better men.....Put your gameplan together to become a Noble Man. Each day take a step forward, but without a will wander.

and take time to pray for all around Happy Valley.