Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pollen is Just Beginning and Rumblings

How was your week? I mean really? Mine was wonderful-gonna post alot here because this week will be long and I am going to a conference on Saturday and then we are headed to Pigeon Forge Sunday and Monday to celebrate Brynna, Corley and Sarah Beth's birthdays!

This past weekend my bro, Hunter and his wife Jennifer and their son Robert were in town and we got to have dinner with them downtown and walk over at Coolidge Park. Always good to see them and I think they enjoyed Chattanooga.
They are expecting. Would you join us in praying for this child?

My week started off real well and finished extremely well but tired. Mondays are tough for me it takes me about 1/2 of the day to get back into the groove. So this week I said no more! and attacked Monday with a new focus and it went really well.
Gary (the other poster on here) and I walked Monday too and I think we solved most of the world's problems before we gave out.

So that lead to a great men's breakfast on Tuesday with words of encouragement from Pastor Mike Bower and some differences in our study on Prayer about Unction and Annointing. Very good.
Learned that Triple A Women's Services needs men to help in counseling here in town. This is something we do need to spread the word to men that have that on their heart. Bill Bennett heads this up in town and he spoke about it too. We need to pray for Bill too, he has six kids! See the link for more info. Men looking at this and have a heart to speak to young men going this is who Bill is looking for.

Met two guys for breakfast this week that love the Lord and are BridgeBuilders at WP. At work, helped two leaders with people issues that they were appreciate of, did a leadership class, worked on a product camp coming up in New Jersey and Had a couple of discipline issues to look into and worked our sales training event for this next week.
We have good folks coming from England, Ireland, Venezeula, Mexico, Canada and several from the states to training this week. I believe this will be one of our best weeks as we have added some special things such as designers sitting in a session for what they like and don't like and two other people we don't usually have access to. Gonna be a long week with dinners and set ups but it is always fun to have them in.

The girls spring dance recital was excellent.
It was about Joseph and his life it was held at what is now called Grace Church. I am amazed at how this has grown just since the twins started in it 4 to 5 years ago. It was a neat worship service! and it is always double joy to watch Corley and Brynna. It always brings tears to my eyes to see them praising the Lord! Sarah was focused on her dance and she was very disciplined. She loves to dance and sing.
Fletcher had a "camp out" Friday night with his friends from youth. He had a good time, good stories and then slept most of the day Saturday.

Is Pollen getting to you yet? It is going to get worse before it gets better. I love this time of year just not the pollen. Local honey has been doing me really well so far this spring. Isn't it beautiful this time of year? The brown is going away and replaced with green. I thank the Lord for His thinking of the seasons to remind us of Him.

The Southern Baptists made the news this week over decreasing membership and lower baptisms. I will link you the NY Times story (you notice they are going to have a reduction in force in the newsroom this next week? could it be that people don't like the tint in the old gray lady of leaning to the far left?)

The stats are in the this article in a link from the Dallas Morning News:

What does all that mean? Well, I would look to the Pentecostals as to why they are growing first. Because they are. The other is demographics to me. The Boomers are in small churches all around the south and as this smaller churches start to "age" they tend to stay to themselves (I speak from three I know of in my area) and don't grow. They need to be working together to leave a legacy.
Also the article is right. When you stand on the word, you are going to have some issues with the world. I think the leadership of the SBC is clueless sometimes as they have fallen into this trap several times with the media. (ex. the boycott of Disney, the way women are to "submit"-the media doesn't understand scripture -ex. Mitt Romney's mormon faith that they did no homework about)
Mike Huckabee is a good example of "speaking" the language of the culture to them to show the inclusiveness of Christ. The SBC is "speaking" to a lost and fallen world in a language that they find offensive. I think we need to think better of how we do this in the love of Christ and maybe even learn what the pentecostals are doing under the radar of the media and some of it is Hispanic growth.

Media Focus

Tyler Owens got some pub this past week for his website and his desire to make conservative videos, way to go Tyler!:,_Reagan/Movies/Movies.html

You are going to see Prince Caspian right? Can't wait

Ok, here are some new country songs you need to have in your playlist. I downloaded them today. 1) I saw God Today by George Strait-especially if you have a daughter, 2) Trace Adkins-You are Gonna Miss This-life moves fast.
3) Kenny Chesney-Don't Blink 4) For dads with daughters-Cleaning this Gun by Rodney Atkins
You can grab this link to listen:

We were simply thrilled to watch the Dove Awards live Wednesday when we got home from church. Gospel Music Television is wonderful and a good ad to Direct TV. Here is a link to the winners, I Tunes has a wonderful page for downloads:

On being a man:
I have a daily leadership thought calendar on my desk at work that I have had for years. This week I wrote down this one and wanted to share it with you. John Maxwell says this on integrity:
"When you live a live of integrity, people listen to you and follow you. Always remember the goal of influence is not manipulation-it's participation.
Only as you include others in your life and success do you personally succeed."

May you as men continue to develop relationships with others and do life together, that in your workplace people will see a difference in you. That you will enjoy your time with your family and if you are going thru a struggle that you know He is with you. Always. Hebrews 13:8
Did I mention that He is with you?

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