Monday, May 30, 2011

The National's Last Day

June 13, 1991 The National Sports Daily published it's last issue. Boy, it was supposed to be something. It was something. Frank Deford and many of the best sportwriters in the business, I mean quality columnists. But, a distribution problem made it hard to get. I had just moved to Chattanooga and I would throw down a $1 for each issue { a day late due to delivery} and was just in heaven reading this tabloid style paper.

And then it died.

It was supposed to have deep pockets and it did to get all that talent but it all came to an end. To me, there hasn't been anything like it since then but I believe with things like the tablets we are getting very close.

Recently, The Sporting News started a daily e-edition called The Sporting News Daily and I got it for awhile, but since I already get three dailies in print it was hard to get to.

Recently getting an I-pad I saw that they had this available and only for $3 a month. I got the app and let me tell you the pictures are excellent, the look great and you get all the major scores and stories of the night/ day before.

There are Sporting News columnists and AOL Fanhouse that cover the basics and even last week they broke two good stories. But, it's not The National. It is the only thing I have seen that runs close to it. USA TODAY has always been a favorite and as a subscriber for many, many years love it very much.

But, just sports in a daily.

Sporting News is on to something. I hope that they can continue this e-edition, add some quality columnists and bring back some memories and set new ground in sports journalism.

Here are details about the National Sports Daily in case you missed the whole thing:

This tells us all something. Good things must come to an end. Make sure you are taking time today to enjoy those around you. I admit I struggle with this too, but we must take time to focus on friends and family. We must also enjoy each day we have. As Edwin Louis Cole said, We only get one time thru this life.

So, what are you doing today to create a better story?

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