Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mid Point of 2010- How Are You Doing?

Here we go another year is coming quickly to a close. It is important for us to see where we are heading right now so we can make sure we are Creating a Better Story with our lives in several areas.

First is in our walk with Christ. How is the Pursuit of Holiness going? Have you found a church home to belong to? How is your quiet time? What scripture are you studying after the service and digging in more? Have you said I don't do church or religion.

I have a good friend that has been out of church since he was seven. In an effort to keep his marriage in order and become a better man, he is back in church. It took about five visits before he found a church he likes and feels like a fit. He wants to change his life to be more about what God wants and not him.

The real difference begins for you and me when we take what we are learning and apply that in our lives. Holiness is not just a word it is a form of worship. God is wanting to have more than a casual friendship with you and I. He is wanting a total transformation from what the world is showing to what He is about.

This leads to area two where this pursuit of Christ should lead to a changed life in relationships with family, your spouse and others. As Men we need to realize that we are to lead in a loving manner for our wives so they will have no problem following. It is an honor to lead my wife and to show her that I love her.

My children need to see how I love my wife so they will see how this relationship is to look and when they get ready to marry they will know when something looks honoring or not to Christ.

Next my career or job is done unto the Lord. Our job is to join Him where He is working and our jobs are that place He has us in to do ministry. If you look as your job as a "job" you aren't thinking how our Lord wants you to. The apostle Paul taught us in Colossians 3:23 that we are to do our work as doing it for the Lord. Do you look as work like this? It means taking more time to pray, to take politics out of it, to take YOU out of it. If you believe He is in control then you should work that way. Do more than expected, Show love to those that don't expect it, Create a Better Story in your life by changing your outlook toward your work. Your career.

When you really think about what God has gifted you in and where He has you in your work as a mission field, you will look at people differently.

Next who are you discipling and who is discipling you? You can always be helping someone else in their growth in faith because it grows you. Most Christians today are "Playing Church," by alot of church talk without real action. Don't get into that rut. With Christ, you have the most inclusive good news story that was ever created. Act like you believe that!

Who is Discipling you? We all need someone, I have several, people in our lives that will speak truth in love as we do life and bounce things off of them. If we just walk thru life alone we will Always play it safe and aren't challenged. People that challenge us in our faith walk first, then our marriages, our families and our jobs. All of them tie together. Belief that they don't is a mistake. You do need people around you to tell you NO from time to time.

Take time today to first pray. Ask God...where do you want me to grow the rest of the year in my faith? Churches will be offering their fall classes soon, then how should I grown as a man in leading my wife and family.

What can I do to be challenged in growing this way? Pray for God to give you a name of someone to disciple you. Pray for God to give you a name of someone to Disciple and get busy at it.

Lord, we don't have any money in our budget to grow thru training what should I do to learn? Pick up a book on something you want to learn more about.

This summer at work, we are offering a Summer Book Club- Bring Your Own Lunch , expense to the company = the books. 22 associates signed up to read a book about time management and we will work in small groups discussing how we put things into place in our jobs and lives. Neat thing is the author has agreed to be on a teleconference at the end of our discussion to answer questions! When we finish I really believe everyone in there will have helped each other in their goal of reading this book and putting it into action.

Then next week sit down and chart by month what you are doing to do to be on your way to closing out 2010 in a intentional manner. Writing it down helps put it into action. Then place it in places so you will see it to remind you or in Outlook calendar etc.

Good luck, we will compare notes this January. May God Bless you in your walk with him.

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