Saturday, December 27, 2008

Don't fly at Christmas and Some Year End Thoughts

This is one of the best quotes I have read in the last few weeks about air travel, I have really felt for those folks. Yesterday in Atlanta they had a problem with air traffic and could only land one plane at a time......this is from today's NY Times and this is about the O' Hare issues from weather.
“I tell myself every year: ‘Don’t fly during Christmas week, don’t fly on Christmas week,’ and every year my sister turns on the guilt trip and I fall for it,” said David Kilpatrick of Eugene, Ore., who struggled this week to get to Baltimore from the snowy Pacific Northwest only to find himself stranded at O’Hare on Friday on a returning layover with his wife and 3-year-old son. “Next year, she’s coming to us, God as my witness. Never, never, never, never, never again. Never.”
I don't blame him.
Quote from Frank Rich column (NY Times) on the choice of Rick Warren to give the invocation at Obama's swearing in ceremony (12/27/08):
"You can’t blame V. Gene Robinson of New Hampshire, the first openly gay Episcopal bishop and an early Obama booster, for feeling as if he’d been slapped in the face. “I’m all for Rick Warren being at the table,” he told The Times, but “we’re talking about putting someone up front and center at what will be the most-watched inauguration in history, and asking his blessing on the nation. And the God that he’s praying to is not the God that I know.”
Old V. just doesn't get the bible does he? Take it a step further and he really doesn't understand the bible or history. He is living what he wants to believe not what the words says.
I mean he must have picked up another version. I have even heard Bill O'Reilly say that Jesus didn't have anything to say about homosexuality. I think he did as he spoke about marriage between a man and a woman all the time to Jews who knew that homosexuality was a sin just like adultery.....just like when Paul talked about sin issues with the Corinth church amidst a pagan culture things haven't changed. Prop 8' s defeat shocked people. Genesis and what had God brought about a helpmate for man is quite clear. It has resounding impact today on our culture and it is the ultimate story of God's protection and deliverance of authority. (He is the head) and we have trouble with that. He set it up in a beautiful way. Profound.
This summer at Promise Keepers Larry Jackson nailed those things that were provided in the Old Testament that we will deal with as men and Satan tempted Jesus with them too.
1) Lust of the flesh 2) Lust of the eyes and 3) Pride of Life
Look around right now and see how that is affecting all of us. Recession-lust of the eyes to have more, pride of life-all about self......pornography-lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes....adultery-lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes...marriage failures-pride of life---me--me---me....not you.
Rick Warren was a solid choice and I have heard evangelicals upset but these are the same people who have been jealous of him for years since Purpose Driven Life came out. (Woe to someone who would write a book about this an actually affect people's lives today in a tough to break thru culture)
Church people would argue with a wall if it would talk back. Focus here is not on the right things.
I'm not saying I am smarter than V. Gene Robinson on this. I am just saying that I have looked at the word from the beginning, see God in my life and have no problem with whomever a modern day king chooses for one prayer when there are millions of prayers going up everyday. Trillions for a lost and dying world that needs the grace of a loving God.
What are you praying for today? Are you listening? Are you patient in waiting on God?
I love what Richard Swenson (Margin) had to say about our patience today. In the old days if we missed a stagecoach we would have to wait a week to catch another one.......can you imagine that today?
Be Still.....reflect on scripture....let God speak....get out of the way...remember what Solomon said about there being nothing new under the sun....there isn't....
May 2009 be a year where amongst all the turmoil of this world you ask God to lead you, guide you in His way- not yours....if you have issues you are dealing with- look at the right hand side of this site and click on Are You Troubled and Need Help? and they are several excellent links to help you and I.
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