Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"Fuzzy Lines"

Joe Mulroney at Woodpark last Sunday challenged me with Col.3:23 about how I should look at my work. He is right that we should look at our work as something we do for the Lord, but….let me talk a little about this work thing and me.

Work has some gray area’s for me. In the IT business it can be slow at times and too fast at others. It’s the slow times that create issues. Creating work in IT at the slow times cost money, and many times there is a freeze on spending………so you are forced to wait? In the slow times I can take care of the needs of the bank and do personal work at the same time, but I’m uncomfortable at times with this. Those in authority over me give me freedom and my reviews have always been excellent. But there are unseen boundary’s that are not clear. Going home in the evening does not mean I’m off from work, it just means I’m in a different place (fuzzy line one). I have to think about my work all the time no matter where I’m at (fuzzy line two). So balancing work, home, and ministry is always a challenge because all three are going on at the same time.

Black and white for some, not so for me…. at least not yet. Being in harmony for me at work means being very aware of the Holy Spirit’s lead. Easy to make mistakes in this kind of arena, but also a great place for personal growth and reward. I can see how God leads us to such a place to teach us many things, and it’s also a great place to influence many people.

I believe lack of confidence plays into my confusion with work, and it’s one of my primary weaknesses. I am continuously battling this confidence issue, and I know God would love for me to move past this ………but I’m so hard headed. My past has very deep roots that keep pulling me back to “I can’t” thinking. “ We can do all things in Christ Jesus” is such a great truth. One thing I see in that verse that gives me comfort is that there is no dead-line, or time involved in this statement. It’s a statement of fact with no mention of how long it would take to “do all things”. I believe God is happy with our baby steps in “doing all things” as long as we step in the right direction. When Jesus said, “His burden was light” He meant it. Kingdom Living shouldn’t be a burden, and God gives us the time to learn this new kind of Living.

Wise friends plays a big part in learning good judgment, and good judgment builds confidence. Confidence will lead to clearer lines (black and white), and less gray…..I’m confident of that. But as Hank reminded me, “there should be a balance between confidence and humility”. Thanks for being a wise friend Hank!

Grace and unity - Biggar

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