He hasn't really done anything yet.
But, notice that the crowd of 200,000 came to here a man that not of office but a curiousity.
In the last days there will come a man in that will be like Obama in his speaking ability. He will be the anti-Christ. When he will come we don't know but it just showed me how people haven't changed since the Old Testament and that Solomon was right. (See Ecc. in your bible)
It just goes to show you that if people will come out for someone from the West, how easily they will be lead by someone promising them peace and things that their heart desires during trying times.
There are literally hundreds of people in the U.S. that are part of Toastmasters that can speak better than Obama on any given day and on their feet too by the way. The media wants change in this country. The people want change too. Leadership in Washington is weak. Leadership is weak in many places.
In this time we have to figure out how to get men of integrity out of business and into politics.
Men who don't need attention, they just want to get things done for change. Men who have values but can sit down and have good conservations about our country's future and lead others in that thinking. You really have to come to the end of yourself sometimes before change can happen.
If mind you, If the Obama goes before the world and can only stay 8 points in front of a candidate like McCain the Dems have to be worried. They ditched the Clintons to win. They threw it all for this run and if they don't win, the problem is that the Republicans in the Senate are so weak it won't help.
The VP candidates will be an interesting pick won't they? Wouldn't you like to have been a fly on the wall with the Clintons when Obama was speaking in Berlin. I sit here and laugh thinking about how they were saying nice things....probably.
Looks like Promise Keepers in Atlanta will be sold out again this year. Fletcher and I head that way Friday.
May you have a blessed week and remember that in all this craziness that there is a God that is there and He loves you. Hebrews 13:8
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