Friday, March 7, 2008


Excellence can be a troubling proposition for some of us, especially for those that are perfectionist. We can become very legalistic in our pursuit of excellence. Then on the other hand some of us are overwhelmed by the idea of excellence. We see it as something outside our reach. We can become legalistic and push too hard, or we can become passive and fail to even try.

I believe most of us mess up because we define the word excellence wrong. How would you define excellence? When I think of excellence I think of being perfect, but I think that’s an unhealthy definition for me or for anyone. How does the bible define “excellence”?

The bible does not use this word many times. In the NIV it’s only used 8 times. One place it’s used is where Paul is telling us to think on good things, things that are true, noble, and right. Then he says “if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think on these things. The word excellent there means “moral goodness”. Moral goodness can be defined as “pure of heart”. I would like to be “pure of heart”! Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure of heart, for they will see God”. Proverbs says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life”.

In the sermon on the mount Jesus outlined a way of life that we would call Kingdom Living. As children of God we live in that Kingdom now, it’s not something we’ll find after we die. After we die we’ll just be able to see it better.

So as we live in this Kingdom we are to desire a life of “moral goodness”, but it’s not something we can strive to obtain. The power is not in us! God’s goodness only comes in trusting, not in achieving. We have no power in our own efforts, no more than we do in our own salvation. True repentance, God’s grace, and Trusting are the keys to “moral goodness” or being “pure of heart”, but that’s a subject for another day. - Gary

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