“It is because of the hope of Israel that I am bound with this chain.” Things have not changed much since Paul wrote these words, a loveless world can still cause people to hate and to kill.
Paul after his third missionary journey went home, back to Israel the land he loved, only to be arrested. The Jewish leaders wanted to kill him because He was preaching the good news of Jesus. The Romans took him into custody to keep this from happening and after being arrested by the Roman soldiers, Paul appealed to Caesar, because he was legally a Roman citizen and wanted to be treated fairly. Paul is then sent to Rome and when he finally arrives, he makes this statement, “It is because of the hope of Israel that I am bound with this chain”.
In this statement, Paul uses the word “hope” and “chain” as if they go together. Paul loved Israel, he loved his Jewish brethren so much he was willing to go back to Israel knowing that it might cost him his life. And it does cost him, Rome later executes him.
There is nothing more polarizing than the Cross. The Cross brings everyone to a crossroad, a personal choice has to be made, which way will I go? The paradox about this is that one road leads to life and safety but it’s covered with blood, and the other road leads to, well……. a hammer and nails. I know this is a very unsettling way to describe this, but there it is and there is no way around it. The child that was born in a manger in Bethlehem, the child we love to celebrate at Christmas so precious and sweet, is the same child that was nailed to a cross. He was guilty of loving us too much, too much to leave us as we are….......
He knowingly gave His life, because He knew it was the only way to change a heart of hate into a heart of love. We cannot, we must not, under estimate the power of love.
Sharing the real Christmas story may cost us, people may dislike you and even hate you, but it’s the greatest gift we can ever give………. May we all be “bound with this chain”. - Gary
Monday, December 31, 2007
The Power of Prayer
We have a wonderful group of men that get together each Tuesday morning and they have been meeting for several years. It is a small glimpse of the 500 plus men that are a part of Woodland Park.
They have done all the curriculum of Men's Fraternity and we contemplated what would be next after studying outreach this fall.
After much prayer I was lead to offer a study on EM Bounds book, The Power of Prayer. As our church is in search of a senior pastor this also helps us be men of prayer. You are welcome to join us starting in mid-January as all of us can learn something from EM Bounds study. We will offer more details in the next few days.
But, here are words of wisdom that written in the 1800s ring true today:
"We are constantly on a stretch, if not on a strain, to devise new methods, new plans, new organizations to advance the Church and secure enlargement and efficiency for the gospel. This trend of the day has a tendency to lose sight of the man or sink the man in the plan or organization.
God’s plan is to make much of the man, far more of him than of anything else. Men are God’s method. The Church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men. “There was a man sent from God whose name was John.” The dispensation that heralded and prepared the way
for Christ was bound up in that man John. “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.” The world’s salvation comes out of that cradled Son. When Paul appeals to the personal character of the men who rooted the gospel in the world, he solves the mystery of their success. The glory and
efficiency of the gospel is staked on the men who proclaim it. When God declares that “the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him,” he declares the necessity of men and his dependence on them
as a channel through which to exert his power upon the world. This vital, urgent truth is one that this age of machinery is apt to forget. The forgetting of it is as baneful on the work of God as would be the striking of the sun from his sphere. Darkness, confusion, and death would ensue.
What the Church needs to-day is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more and novel methods, but men whom the Holy Ghost can use—men of prayer, men mighty in prayer.
The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods, but through men. He does not come on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men—men of prayer."
E.M. Bounds from The Power of Prayer
So on this last day of 2007 how is your prayer life? What adjustments do you need to make?
Fun involving the Capitol One Bowl Mascot Challenge:
In God We Trust is returing to coins this year, we kid you not:
They have done all the curriculum of Men's Fraternity and we contemplated what would be next after studying outreach this fall.
After much prayer I was lead to offer a study on EM Bounds book, The Power of Prayer. As our church is in search of a senior pastor this also helps us be men of prayer. You are welcome to join us starting in mid-January as all of us can learn something from EM Bounds study. We will offer more details in the next few days.
But, here are words of wisdom that written in the 1800s ring true today:
"We are constantly on a stretch, if not on a strain, to devise new methods, new plans, new organizations to advance the Church and secure enlargement and efficiency for the gospel. This trend of the day has a tendency to lose sight of the man or sink the man in the plan or organization.
God’s plan is to make much of the man, far more of him than of anything else. Men are God’s method. The Church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men. “There was a man sent from God whose name was John.” The dispensation that heralded and prepared the way
for Christ was bound up in that man John. “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.” The world’s salvation comes out of that cradled Son. When Paul appeals to the personal character of the men who rooted the gospel in the world, he solves the mystery of their success. The glory and
efficiency of the gospel is staked on the men who proclaim it. When God declares that “the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him,” he declares the necessity of men and his dependence on them
as a channel through which to exert his power upon the world. This vital, urgent truth is one that this age of machinery is apt to forget. The forgetting of it is as baneful on the work of God as would be the striking of the sun from his sphere. Darkness, confusion, and death would ensue.
What the Church needs to-day is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more and novel methods, but men whom the Holy Ghost can use—men of prayer, men mighty in prayer.
The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods, but through men. He does not come on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men—men of prayer."
E.M. Bounds from The Power of Prayer
So on this last day of 2007 how is your prayer life? What adjustments do you need to make?
Fun involving the Capitol One Bowl Mascot Challenge:
In God We Trust is returing to coins this year, we kid you not:
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Busyness- The Thief of Prayer
Today we look at a message that comes from evangelist Sammy Tippit:
"Busyness" - The Thief of Prayer
As I travel around the world proclaiming the gospel, I've discovered a great thief among Christians lurking quietly in the hearts of God's people. This thief has stolen the most powerful weapon known to the follower of Christ - the mighty weapon of prayer. Perhaps this robber has inflicted more damage on the Body of Christ than any of the known enemies of the Church.
Permit me to illustrate to you who this thief is. We have a man that I will call "Disciple." He has everything he needs to be victorious in life. He's has all of the authority and power of heaven as well as spiritual weapons to defeat any known enemy. He has the whole armor of God at his disposal - truth, righteousness, faith, salvation, and peace. He even has the powerful sword called the word of God. There's no weapon great enough to defeat "Disciple." But he also has one responsibility. He must dress himself each morning, putting on the whole armor of God.
On the other hand, there's a dangerous foe that I'll call "Enemy." He knows that he's no match for "Disciple." He can't penetrate the armor that "Disciple" wears. "Enemy" must devise a plan to defeat "Disciple." Therefore, he appoints one of his fiercest commanders to devise a plan to destroy "Disciple." The commander's name is "Busyness."
"Busyness" goes to "Disciple" one day and says, "Hey, I don't want to coerce you to do something evil. I don't want you to commit adultery. I don't want you to murder someone. In fact, I only desire you to do good things. Let's get busy with a lot of good things in life - busy with work, busy with school, busy with church, busy entertaining ourselves. Let's keep ourselves occupied.
"Disciple" only wants to please God and would never contemplate cheating on his wife or killing someone. So, it sounds reasonable to him. He gets busy doing a lot of good things - totally involved in church, working hard to provide nice things for his family, going to football, soccer, the theater and anywhere that makes him feel better about himself.
Then one day "Enemy" comes around his backside and attacks. "Disciple" is devastated because he's not had time to put on the whole armor of God. He's been so busy that there's been no time in his schedule for prayer. He's so full of activities - good activities - that there's no room in his day to put on God's protective armor. He's left vulnerable to the wiles of the "Enemy." He wakes up one morning and discovers himself doing those things that he would never have dreamed. He's completely defeated.
That's only a parable, but it's the situation of many believers today. Scores of Christians are defeated - not because they set out on a course of sin, but simply because they scheduled God out of their lives. Consequently, churches are filled with people in the pews that are powerless. They are defeated by a toothless enemy that's been stripped of all his power and authority over the believer. Yet, this enemy slyly and deceitfully removes the protective armor of God from the follower of Christ, and he finds himself defeated.
Every Christian has every thing he needs to be victorious in Christ. He simply must put on the whole armor of God. In short, that means taking time to spend with God in prayer. Prayer is the practical method by which we put on the whole armor of God. Why don't you spend some time today alone with God. Open your Bible. Read God's Word and pray. Ask God to meet with you. Clothe yourself with truth, righteousness, faith, peace and salvation. Don't allow "busyness" to lead you down the path of defeat. "Be still and know that He is God."
And all God's people said Amen. What do you need to rearrange for 2008 to get nearer to God? are there any walls you have put up? Don't wait for a crisis or storm to develop----start today....as John Maxwell says "Present Decisions determine future situations."
"Busyness" - The Thief of Prayer
As I travel around the world proclaiming the gospel, I've discovered a great thief among Christians lurking quietly in the hearts of God's people. This thief has stolen the most powerful weapon known to the follower of Christ - the mighty weapon of prayer. Perhaps this robber has inflicted more damage on the Body of Christ than any of the known enemies of the Church.
Permit me to illustrate to you who this thief is. We have a man that I will call "Disciple." He has everything he needs to be victorious in life. He's has all of the authority and power of heaven as well as spiritual weapons to defeat any known enemy. He has the whole armor of God at his disposal - truth, righteousness, faith, salvation, and peace. He even has the powerful sword called the word of God. There's no weapon great enough to defeat "Disciple." But he also has one responsibility. He must dress himself each morning, putting on the whole armor of God.
On the other hand, there's a dangerous foe that I'll call "Enemy." He knows that he's no match for "Disciple." He can't penetrate the armor that "Disciple" wears. "Enemy" must devise a plan to defeat "Disciple." Therefore, he appoints one of his fiercest commanders to devise a plan to destroy "Disciple." The commander's name is "Busyness."
"Busyness" goes to "Disciple" one day and says, "Hey, I don't want to coerce you to do something evil. I don't want you to commit adultery. I don't want you to murder someone. In fact, I only desire you to do good things. Let's get busy with a lot of good things in life - busy with work, busy with school, busy with church, busy entertaining ourselves. Let's keep ourselves occupied.
"Disciple" only wants to please God and would never contemplate cheating on his wife or killing someone. So, it sounds reasonable to him. He gets busy doing a lot of good things - totally involved in church, working hard to provide nice things for his family, going to football, soccer, the theater and anywhere that makes him feel better about himself.
Then one day "Enemy" comes around his backside and attacks. "Disciple" is devastated because he's not had time to put on the whole armor of God. He's been so busy that there's been no time in his schedule for prayer. He's so full of activities - good activities - that there's no room in his day to put on God's protective armor. He's left vulnerable to the wiles of the "Enemy." He wakes up one morning and discovers himself doing those things that he would never have dreamed. He's completely defeated.
That's only a parable, but it's the situation of many believers today. Scores of Christians are defeated - not because they set out on a course of sin, but simply because they scheduled God out of their lives. Consequently, churches are filled with people in the pews that are powerless. They are defeated by a toothless enemy that's been stripped of all his power and authority over the believer. Yet, this enemy slyly and deceitfully removes the protective armor of God from the follower of Christ, and he finds himself defeated.
Every Christian has every thing he needs to be victorious in Christ. He simply must put on the whole armor of God. In short, that means taking time to spend with God in prayer. Prayer is the practical method by which we put on the whole armor of God. Why don't you spend some time today alone with God. Open your Bible. Read God's Word and pray. Ask God to meet with you. Clothe yourself with truth, righteousness, faith, peace and salvation. Don't allow "busyness" to lead you down the path of defeat. "Be still and know that He is God."
And all God's people said Amen. What do you need to rearrange for 2008 to get nearer to God? are there any walls you have put up? Don't wait for a crisis or storm to develop----start today....as John Maxwell says "Present Decisions determine future situations."
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Advancing or Declining
Steve Farrar said several years ago in one of his books, I think it was Tempered Steel
where he says you are either Advancing in your faith or Declining.
As we end up 2007 that is something for each of us to ponder. Have we grown as a disciple of Jesus Christ? Is there evidence around us? Are we rippling thru the culture to make change and advance the best news anyone could ever experience? Why not? What is in the way?
I can tell you one thing that is all around us and that is busyness. It maybe you need to whittle away some of the things in life to really get into providing life change thru others lives.
What will make 2008 different for you or your family?
Patrice and I sat down and had a relevant conversation again this year about what we see in each other as growth and then we will do the same as a family in devotional time. We both agreed on some changes that need to happen and now we need to pray about those.
Culture can hit you in the face hard. For example, my son and I were looking for a video game that he wanted. (By the way we have a strict code on game content and our son is in full agreement) So as I am purchasing this there are three teen girls next to me who are asked by the young man ringing up the purchase.. I need to see some sort of i.d.
The young lady responded "I have my driver's license but not with me." then she called to her dad across the store. The dad walks up. The young man ask him...this video has content that is rated highly violent, mature of nature and has strong references to drugs and sexual implications. Is it ok for them to purchase it?"
I watched as the dad said,"Sure it's ok."
and inside I was screaming IT'S NOT OK. But, I didn't want to freak him out with confrontation but this is one area that I know I have to use the Holy Spirit guide and use the right words at the right time. This is where we are at today. He is one of the 66 million more than likely. The church isn't relative to him.
What would you have done? Any ideas? Be honest.....how do we impact quickly without coming off as a loon or fanatical person?
The issues at Willow Creek with the lack of growth of discipleship amongst the church has created a stir. If you haven't heard about any of this, here is where you can catch up since August:
and at Out of Ur you can click on links to see Hawkins and Hybels speaking about it:
This fact isn't just being discovered at Willow. I think the most distubing thing I have heard is that some people are saying....see--see
this seeker things doesn't work....and that my friends is the mark of a immature believer or one in his own little box. I have followed Willow closely and attended events they have sponsored for churches. (Contagious Christianity @ Perimeter Church in Atlanta was life changing for me several years ago) and I can tell you their heart has been no different than your church. They are being honest as they see this as real problem and you can look at almost every church and see it as well. C'mon admit it. There is no one perfect church. They are all supposed to be spiritual hospitals for us anyway. My goodness isn't it nice for some church leaders to address real issues within a church? and Willow is not only seeker focused it is seeker obsessed who has realized that they need to address some serious issues.....My question would be-are you seeker obsessed and why not? Are you more focused on others or SELF-FOCUSED?
It is something we all battle. Who will win this with you in 2008?
The new book No Man Left Behind hits men right between the eyes. 44 million men in church but only 6 million in real discipling of another man. 66 million men that don't know Christ in America.
What does that do to your soul? Does it even start to sink in? This whole gospel should continuualy be causing a major heart issue within people as Christ is waiting for them to have a relationship with Him. Not with their favorite sports team, work or anything other than Himself. You can't take it with you!
If you haven't read this book, you should. The continuum in it for men will work in any ministry setting.
Outreach magazine noted in their 100 top churches survey that this was a trend among churches with 2500 or more members nationwide to say hold on a minute. Here is a recent story from the Trib on Willow:
Here is Willow's website set up to follow:
Also Thom Rainer's book on Simple Church addresses it. In case you are in church that is growing and need to reassess your programs versus vision:
Chuck Colson thanks Hybels and admits issues within Prison Fellowship:
Anyway, here at this blog we see this as the theme setter for 2008 in the church across America and it is a good one.
May we all live less of self and more of Him in 2008- Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer l who live, but Christ lives in me and [the life] which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. (NASB: Lockman)
More resources on studying it in detail to make it real in your life:
The strangest thing to happen on the sports field this year happens right here this week:
Chris Jessie got the Bowl season started off with him attempting to pick up the ball in the four hour long Holiday Bowl.
Post game interview with Lisa Salters bad video....Mack Brown inserts himself in...You didn't touch it?
It doesn't take long for people to add on...this is a short version tied into the Southwest Airlines commericials about "Wanna Get Away?"
One of the best You Tube Videos of 2007 is about real life:
This video called Battle at Kruger is slow to start out as it is a real live story unfolding it involves lions, a herd of water buffalo and the lone crocodile. This was taped at South Africa's Kruger National Park.
Best of sports media from 2007 SI's Media Circus column:
Sports on tv today-make sure you are balancing this with your family time. How would you say you did on this in 2007? How do you swing that balance to be more family and less tv in 2008? Does it matter?...yes it does.
You get only so long to spend with family. The sports teams could care less about your family. There is only one mom or dad to your children so choose wisely. How about starting a family devotional time in 2008 ? We will look at some ideas next week...in the mean time choose wisely:
Shock and Awe in Chattanooga Radio Arbitron Ratings released on Friday: US 101 increases their lead but the surprise is that KZ106 has dethroned Sunny 92.3 from 2nd....wow:
We thought our city council was bad here.....this one wants to impeach Bush:
where he says you are either Advancing in your faith or Declining.
As we end up 2007 that is something for each of us to ponder. Have we grown as a disciple of Jesus Christ? Is there evidence around us? Are we rippling thru the culture to make change and advance the best news anyone could ever experience? Why not? What is in the way?
I can tell you one thing that is all around us and that is busyness. It maybe you need to whittle away some of the things in life to really get into providing life change thru others lives.
What will make 2008 different for you or your family?
Patrice and I sat down and had a relevant conversation again this year about what we see in each other as growth and then we will do the same as a family in devotional time. We both agreed on some changes that need to happen and now we need to pray about those.
Culture can hit you in the face hard. For example, my son and I were looking for a video game that he wanted. (By the way we have a strict code on game content and our son is in full agreement) So as I am purchasing this there are three teen girls next to me who are asked by the young man ringing up the purchase.. I need to see some sort of i.d.
The young lady responded "I have my driver's license but not with me." then she called to her dad across the store. The dad walks up. The young man ask him...this video has content that is rated highly violent, mature of nature and has strong references to drugs and sexual implications. Is it ok for them to purchase it?"
I watched as the dad said,"Sure it's ok."
and inside I was screaming IT'S NOT OK. But, I didn't want to freak him out with confrontation but this is one area that I know I have to use the Holy Spirit guide and use the right words at the right time. This is where we are at today. He is one of the 66 million more than likely. The church isn't relative to him.
What would you have done? Any ideas? Be honest.....how do we impact quickly without coming off as a loon or fanatical person?
The issues at Willow Creek with the lack of growth of discipleship amongst the church has created a stir. If you haven't heard about any of this, here is where you can catch up since August:
and at Out of Ur you can click on links to see Hawkins and Hybels speaking about it:
This fact isn't just being discovered at Willow. I think the most distubing thing I have heard is that some people are saying....see--see
this seeker things doesn't work....and that my friends is the mark of a immature believer or one in his own little box. I have followed Willow closely and attended events they have sponsored for churches. (Contagious Christianity @ Perimeter Church in Atlanta was life changing for me several years ago) and I can tell you their heart has been no different than your church. They are being honest as they see this as real problem and you can look at almost every church and see it as well. C'mon admit it. There is no one perfect church. They are all supposed to be spiritual hospitals for us anyway. My goodness isn't it nice for some church leaders to address real issues within a church? and Willow is not only seeker focused it is seeker obsessed who has realized that they need to address some serious issues.....My question would be-are you seeker obsessed and why not? Are you more focused on others or SELF-FOCUSED?
It is something we all battle. Who will win this with you in 2008?
The new book No Man Left Behind hits men right between the eyes. 44 million men in church but only 6 million in real discipling of another man. 66 million men that don't know Christ in America.
What does that do to your soul? Does it even start to sink in? This whole gospel should continuualy be causing a major heart issue within people as Christ is waiting for them to have a relationship with Him. Not with their favorite sports team, work or anything other than Himself. You can't take it with you!
If you haven't read this book, you should. The continuum in it for men will work in any ministry setting.
Outreach magazine noted in their 100 top churches survey that this was a trend among churches with 2500 or more members nationwide to say hold on a minute. Here is a recent story from the Trib on Willow:
Here is Willow's website set up to follow:
Also Thom Rainer's book on Simple Church addresses it. In case you are in church that is growing and need to reassess your programs versus vision:
Chuck Colson thanks Hybels and admits issues within Prison Fellowship:
Anyway, here at this blog we see this as the theme setter for 2008 in the church across America and it is a good one.
May we all live less of self and more of Him in 2008- Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer l who live, but Christ lives in me and [the life] which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. (NASB: Lockman)
More resources on studying it in detail to make it real in your life:
The strangest thing to happen on the sports field this year happens right here this week:
Chris Jessie got the Bowl season started off with him attempting to pick up the ball in the four hour long Holiday Bowl.
Post game interview with Lisa Salters bad video....Mack Brown inserts himself in...You didn't touch it?
It doesn't take long for people to add on...this is a short version tied into the Southwest Airlines commericials about "Wanna Get Away?"
One of the best You Tube Videos of 2007 is about real life:
This video called Battle at Kruger is slow to start out as it is a real live story unfolding it involves lions, a herd of water buffalo and the lone crocodile. This was taped at South Africa's Kruger National Park.
Best of sports media from 2007 SI's Media Circus column:
Sports on tv today-make sure you are balancing this with your family time. How would you say you did on this in 2007? How do you swing that balance to be more family and less tv in 2008? Does it matter?...yes it does.
You get only so long to spend with family. The sports teams could care less about your family. There is only one mom or dad to your children so choose wisely. How about starting a family devotional time in 2008 ? We will look at some ideas next week...in the mean time choose wisely:
Shock and Awe in Chattanooga Radio Arbitron Ratings released on Friday: US 101 increases their lead but the surprise is that KZ106 has dethroned Sunny 92.3 from 2nd....wow:
We thought our city council was bad here.....this one wants to impeach Bush:
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Bhutto Dies
She was killed and it throws the nation into turmoil...again..here are her own words after the attempt made on her life this past October:
Top Religious Stories of 2007
“Men cannot make Scripture conform to their lifestyle; they must make their lifestyle conform to Scripture. ” Ed Cole
I believe the thing that leaps out to me is that you must first know or begin to get seriously acquainted with scripture before you will know how to be an authentic Christian man. Which goes back to the release of the book No Man Left Behind. There are 135 million men ages 15 and up in America. 44 million men in church and only 6 million being discipled or in a serious mentoring relationship. Who is discipling you? I always remember what Ed Cole said in Nashville at PK several years ago:
“Denial is deception. The path to destruction is denial – deception – distraction – dislocation – disruption – destruction. ”
Another man turning his life around and impacting others:
Christianity Today's top 10 Religious Stories of 2007:
Compare it 2006:
and 2005:
Crude needs to go down today, I think you understand why:
Area Media
Fox 61 redesigned their website. Now if they will jazz up the set and graphics of that News @ 10 set, don't get me wrong, I love having that newscast each night:
Former Chattanooga Talk Radio 102.3's Max Hackett is in the news again:
National Media:
Court TV has changed it's name. But to understand what it will be called you have to read the last sentence of the article. Like to hear your comments:
Much has been discussed about Huck's Christmas ad. But the national media missed the other subliminal message in that ad.
Red and Blue Christian's blog has a different thought on those Christmas ornaments in Huckabee's Christmas ad:
Rudy's newest ad--called Freedom...Can you believe they would put a door frame that looks like a cross in this? and if the camera pans over at the end just inches it would be in the shape of a cross...or is it just me acting like the drive by media? (It doesn't matter to me either way)
Check out the World Wide Trouble Alert to your left in the links, as there was an earthquake in Missiouri early this morning.
Sports Today
Strength of schedule was released for this year's college football:
Just peeking ahead but the Braves have their schedule up on their web site. Opening day at the Ted is March 31st. Much confusion this next year for people seeking the games on TBS.
Tonight's Hoop Pick is that Georgia Tech should easily take care of Tennessee Tech. Game is on FSNS @ 7pm-have attached Gametracker;
XM Radio 192 for the broadcast with Wes Durham:
Schedule for tonight:
The win streak is gone and only 21 shots on goal last night in loss at Columbus. Tonight's game is @ Philips on SportSouth and on XM 204:
I believe the thing that leaps out to me is that you must first know or begin to get seriously acquainted with scripture before you will know how to be an authentic Christian man. Which goes back to the release of the book No Man Left Behind. There are 135 million men ages 15 and up in America. 44 million men in church and only 6 million being discipled or in a serious mentoring relationship. Who is discipling you? I always remember what Ed Cole said in Nashville at PK several years ago:
“Denial is deception. The path to destruction is denial – deception – distraction – dislocation – disruption – destruction. ”
Another man turning his life around and impacting others:
Christianity Today's top 10 Religious Stories of 2007:
Compare it 2006:
and 2005:
Crude needs to go down today, I think you understand why:
Area Media
Fox 61 redesigned their website. Now if they will jazz up the set and graphics of that News @ 10 set, don't get me wrong, I love having that newscast each night:
Former Chattanooga Talk Radio 102.3's Max Hackett is in the news again:
National Media:
Court TV has changed it's name. But to understand what it will be called you have to read the last sentence of the article. Like to hear your comments:
Much has been discussed about Huck's Christmas ad. But the national media missed the other subliminal message in that ad.
Red and Blue Christian's blog has a different thought on those Christmas ornaments in Huckabee's Christmas ad:
Rudy's newest ad--called Freedom...Can you believe they would put a door frame that looks like a cross in this? and if the camera pans over at the end just inches it would be in the shape of a cross...or is it just me acting like the drive by media? (It doesn't matter to me either way)
Check out the World Wide Trouble Alert to your left in the links, as there was an earthquake in Missiouri early this morning.
Sports Today
Strength of schedule was released for this year's college football:
Just peeking ahead but the Braves have their schedule up on their web site. Opening day at the Ted is March 31st. Much confusion this next year for people seeking the games on TBS.
Tonight's Hoop Pick is that Georgia Tech should easily take care of Tennessee Tech. Game is on FSNS @ 7pm-have attached Gametracker;
XM Radio 192 for the broadcast with Wes Durham:
Schedule for tonight:
The win streak is gone and only 21 shots on goal last night in loss at Columbus. Tonight's game is @ Philips on SportSouth and on XM 204:
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Americans Identify their Christian Faith
We have survived the holiday. We have much more garbage than in the past years as the kids get larger. We need to work on that landfill issue, may purchase some carbon credits. A Wii changes how you layout your den by the way......the kids are having a blast with it. The story of how we got one is for another day.
This is a well done video where Santa trys to comfort Batman..ultimate outreach:
Kudos to Fox News for them again airing the services from Saddleback on Christmas Eve.
Interesting Data from Gallup released today about Americans and their faith:
Have you seen the Christmas Linebacker in your neck of the woods?
When will the national media focus on Rudy's diving numbers ? Check out the latest national polls on the coming election on the GOP side:
Chattanooga final year end radio ratings come out on the 28th. There are some interesting stories to watch for. 1) Can 92.3 put another dent in US101 as they have been doing 2) Can ESPN 1370 move closer to WGOW AM? Will J103's ratings grow anymore?
NFL caves to pressure and broadcast Pats-Giants game on three networks....so much for that Joe's Diner NFL Network commercial. But I have to agree with Stan in the commercial. I hope the Giants win Sunday. They have not posted Episode 16 as of today. You can check it out at this link:
The best thing about this may be that more people now will get to experience how bad Bryant Gumbel is @ play by play and NFL Network will make a change. As Hiestand @ USA Today pointed out Monday... he is truly terrible at play by play. Friday we will post the sports announcing clip of the year.
Don't know if you caught Chris Matthews on Morning Joe this morning but he OVERTOOK the show. I mean there were three other people and for about thirty minutes he talked about what HE wanted to. It was incredible, I mean the other folks only got to speak when there was a break. He has gotten too much of himself and where is Tip O'Neill to speak to him about humility? Newser caught a tad of it when he mentioned IMUS:
Today's nationwide weather map:
This is a well done video where Santa trys to comfort Batman..ultimate outreach:
Kudos to Fox News for them again airing the services from Saddleback on Christmas Eve.
Interesting Data from Gallup released today about Americans and their faith:
Have you seen the Christmas Linebacker in your neck of the woods?
When will the national media focus on Rudy's diving numbers ? Check out the latest national polls on the coming election on the GOP side:
Chattanooga final year end radio ratings come out on the 28th. There are some interesting stories to watch for. 1) Can 92.3 put another dent in US101 as they have been doing 2) Can ESPN 1370 move closer to WGOW AM? Will J103's ratings grow anymore?
NFL caves to pressure and broadcast Pats-Giants game on three networks....so much for that Joe's Diner NFL Network commercial. But I have to agree with Stan in the commercial. I hope the Giants win Sunday. They have not posted Episode 16 as of today. You can check it out at this link:
The best thing about this may be that more people now will get to experience how bad Bryant Gumbel is @ play by play and NFL Network will make a change. As Hiestand @ USA Today pointed out Monday... he is truly terrible at play by play. Friday we will post the sports announcing clip of the year.
Don't know if you caught Chris Matthews on Morning Joe this morning but he OVERTOOK the show. I mean there were three other people and for about thirty minutes he talked about what HE wanted to. It was incredible, I mean the other folks only got to speak when there was a break. He has gotten too much of himself and where is Tip O'Neill to speak to him about humility? Newser caught a tad of it when he mentioned IMUS:
Today's nationwide weather map:
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas 2007

Well, this is the first official post here at Bridgebuilders and that first image you load should be a doozy. As an alumni of Jacksonville State and the Gamecocks I thought this would be fitting. From our home to yours a Merry Christmas 2007. We are really blessed this Christmas with good health, good friends and the opportunity to have time to create this blog.
God Bless you today!
Enjoy this family favorite about Hard Rock, Coco and Joe!
President Bush's message on Christmas Day:
Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father, and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.”
Luke 1:30-33
During the Christmas season, our thoughts turn to the source of joy and hope born in a humble manger on a holy night more than 2,000 years ago. Each year, Christians everywhere celebrate this single life that changed the world and continues to change hearts today. The simple and inspiring story of the birth of Jesus fills our souls with gratitude for the many blessings in our lives and promises that God’s purpose is justice and His plan is peace.
At this special time of year, we give thanks for Christ’s message of love and mercy, and we are reminded of our responsibility to serve. America is blessed to have fine citizens who reach out with a compassionate hand to help brothers and sisters in need. We also remember our brave men and women in uniform who have volunteered to defend us in distant lands. Many of those who have answered the call of duty will spend Christmas far from home and separated from family. We honor their sacrifice, ask God to watch over them and their families, and pray for their safe return.
Christmas is a time to rejoice and remember the birth of Jesus Christ. Laura and I pray your Christmas will be blessed with family and fellowship, and we wish you a day of glad tidings. Merry Christmas.
Luke 1:30-33
During the Christmas season, our thoughts turn to the source of joy and hope born in a humble manger on a holy night more than 2,000 years ago. Each year, Christians everywhere celebrate this single life that changed the world and continues to change hearts today. The simple and inspiring story of the birth of Jesus fills our souls with gratitude for the many blessings in our lives and promises that God’s purpose is justice and His plan is peace.
At this special time of year, we give thanks for Christ’s message of love and mercy, and we are reminded of our responsibility to serve. America is blessed to have fine citizens who reach out with a compassionate hand to help brothers and sisters in need. We also remember our brave men and women in uniform who have volunteered to defend us in distant lands. Many of those who have answered the call of duty will spend Christmas far from home and separated from family. We honor their sacrifice, ask God to watch over them and their families, and pray for their safe return.
Christmas is a time to rejoice and remember the birth of Jesus Christ. Laura and I pray your Christmas will be blessed with family and fellowship, and we wish you a day of glad tidings. Merry Christmas.
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